The year 1959 C.P.Snow lecture reveals many secrets ..using the new  atomic English language to help translate the "TWO Cultures"  lecture.  Analysis of his lecture helps us understand the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963  AND the Sikh Temple shooting in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. 


C.P.Snow and Einstein's FIELD Theory help explain the science behind the assassination of President Kennedy in year 1963                        



The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Two Cultures is the title of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.


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The lecture - Implications and influence - Quotes from Snow on The Two ...
The talk was delivered 7 May 1959 in the Senate House, Cambridge, and subsequently published as The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. The lecture and book expanded upon an article by Snow published in the New Statesman of 6 October 1956, also entitled The Two Cultures. Published in book form, Snow's lecture was widely read and discussed on both sides of the Atlantic, leading him to write a 1963 follow-up, The Two Cultures: And a Second Look: An Expanded Version of The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution.
Let's look at the deeper levels of reality that are embedded in the English language  words used by C.P.SNOW.,  The English alphabet is comprised of 26 letters that represent the atomic English alphabet  of the 26 protons of the IRON atom, the ferrous oxide atom.   The IRON atom is used by the Hemoglobin proteins in humans ..... thus the message pathway ...from the periodic atomic table of thought  VIA the human protein OUTPUT messenger. 

Scientist   C.P.SNOW and his background in chemistry and physics ....enabled him to communicate important ideas within the context of Nature's sytems.

C. P. Snow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles Percy Snow, Baron Snow of the City of Leicester CBE (15 October 1905 – 1 July 1980) was an English chemist and novelist who also served in several ... 
Let;'s look  the important words in the lecture title...
The TWO Cultures  .....and the algebra subset symbols 
........TWO  Cu + ul --->   thus we have HIS secret periodic atomic table signal  ...
Two --->  29 electrons Cu=Copper atomic mass 63  + UL = Underwriter Labs 
Thus C.P.SNOW  as a novelist ...reminds us of the 
NOVEL David  Copperfield  -----> which may be VIEWED as
NOVEL David Copper + Field  ---> in more detailed words 
NOVEL David  Copper atom 63  and  physics FIELD theories   .....taking  subset symbols 
NOV......David  .........................63    ...we see the signal ...
NOVEMBER Camp David 1963  ......thus the indirect message about the 
NOVEMBER  Kennedy 1963 shooting in Texas.
What FIELD theories may involve  63 and the year  1963 SIGNAL?

Copper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Jump to Electrical conductivity in motor coils‎: An electric current running through a simple straight wire creates a magnetic field defined by Ampere's Law, ...
pper wire is not a magnetic material, so why is it useful in an ...
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7 answers - Mar 14, 2009
Copper wire is a good conductor for electricity and can easily carry electric ... when current flows through a wire it creates a magnetic field,
magnetic field lines.PNG?1350537454773

lbj magnetic field curl.PNG?135053743181





The above  equations that describe  various things on EARTH us understand the targic EVENT of year 1963.  The WORDS  near the top of the page top  ..


THAT DIV B = 0  AND CURL B =  uJ     ..... looking a subset symbols  ...
........................................CU   L B J = Lydon N. Johnson  with Cu --> 63 -->1963


Thus we see some phenomena of NATURE on EARTH that interacts with human beings and  human behavior and  is a factor in this tragic EVENT.


What kinds of FIELDS .....what details.....that remains for scientist to do investigate.

Unified field theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
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In physics, a unified field theory, occasionally referred to as a uniform field theory, is a type of field theory that allows all that is usually thought of as fundamental ...
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Mar 6, 2011 – An electrodynamics Internet textbook project presenting a new, modern, on-line textbook on advanced electrodynamics, free to download and ...

David Tong: Quantum Field Theory - Similar
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A Cambridge University course with lecture notes, covering the canonical quantization of scalar fields, Dirac fields and QED.


Thus the lecture by C.P.SNOW provokes some serious thoughts about the Kennedy assassination and the incomplete explanation given about  the FIELD WAR casualty --> President Kennedy. 
EM = Electro.Magnetic Fields ......and it is suggested that EM = Electro.Magnetic human life form such as EM = EMBASSY diplomats and EM = people EMPLOYED as office an CLERK --> J.CLERK Maxwell bio-physics life formats and bio-physics business systems.  
Most cities have a city CLERK ...... are they agents for J.CLEK Maxwell equations? 
Was the Dallas CITY CLERK part of the  David Copperfield  NOVEL application of NOV 1963. 


The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Two Cultures is the title of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow


Let's look at a more recent   example ..of a scientific mystery EVENT south of MIlwaukee Wisconsin.

Gunman Kills 6 at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin -
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Aug 5, 2012 – The Lede Blog: Scenes From Shooting at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin (August ... Armed police officers on the roof of the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis. ... Six people were killed and three others were wounded on Sunday at the ...
Six people  killed and three  wounded
Six people killed and three wounded
Six people  three wounded
Six three

Thus, we see again ..... the important words in the lecture title...
The TWO Cultures .....and the algebra subset symbols
........TWO Cu + ul ---> thus we have HIS secret periodic atomic table signal ...
Two ---> 29 electrons Cu=Copper atomic mass 63 + UL = Underwriter Labs



First let's look at C.P.SNOW ( the chemist) ...chemistry --> social chemistry.

C. P. Snow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
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Nationality, English. Fields, Physics, chemistry, literature (novelist) .... A time of renewal: clusters of characters, C.P. Snow, and coups. Radcliffe Press. p. 234.

Later we will return to the copper atom.   Both, organic chemistry and copper are intertwined in this periodic atomic table.......Margaret  Mead nuclear family...atomic social science mystery.


Sikh temple shooter identified as Wade Michael Page..
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Aug 6, 2012 – Police say Wade Michael Page killed six people at a Sikh temple in ... A gunman killed at least six people in Oak Creek, outside Milwaukee, ...
DATE of organic chemsitry -->social chemistry battle ...... molecule WAR signs...
Aug 6 , 2012  ...algbera  subset numbers ....
.........6........12 giving  6 electrons CARBON atomic mass 12 

Carbon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
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Atomic carbon is a very short-lived species and, therefore, carbon is stabilized in various multi-atomic structures with different molecular configurations called ...

Carbon Atom - Similar
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carbon atom -- carbon chemistry. ... The Carbon atom has six electrons, 4 of the electrons are in its valence shell (outershell). The circles in the diagram show ...
Thus we see that OC = Organic Chemistry at location OC    ........thru Darwinian selection of  OC = Oak Creek  ... to have the symbolic message OC (Organic Chemistry)  have optimal siganal recognition characteristics.
In addtion, the CARBON electron shell message  was   transformed into metal bullet shell .
Thus Nature has a message processing  protocol...a technique ....
a)  the internal electrons of an atomic anthropology conflict (difficult to see without special physics/ chemistry LAB)   are  amplfied and transformed into EXTERNAl visible display on the geography surface of Earth   ...... displayed as some human coflict activity.  The humans are a sense...atomic actors displaying some REAL  tragic drama  involving Nature and the atomic table of elements.
Thus electron shells ---> bullet input shells to humans for messages ...

| Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - Similar
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The Bulletin informs the public and influences policy through in-depth analysis, op-eds, and reports on nuclear weapons, climate change, nuclear energy, and ...
......., in year 2012 words ..... Margaret Mead atomic social science conflict ..

| Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - Similar
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The Bullet  input  ....... informs the public and influences policy through in-depth analysis, op-eds, and reports on nuclear weapons, climate change, nuclear energy, and ...
In addition, we have another ORGANIC Chemistry correlation signal  ......

Sikh temple shooter identified as Wade Michael Page,
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Aug 6, 2012 – Police say Wade Michael Page killed six people at a Sikh temple in ... A gunman killed at least six people in Oak Creek, outside Milwaukee, ...
Sikh temple shooter identified as

Wade Michael Page   
Wade MIc.........Page

Wade atoMIC   Page ............

Organic Chemistry (5th Edition)


C.P.SNOW was a chemist..

Above...we see the component of the OAK Creek EVENT 

reflect  th C.P.SNOW  chemistry background.


In addition, the OAK Creek EVENT  ...had a second component related to C.P.SNOW lecture.
Thus, let's  return  to the copper atom.
Let;'s look the important words in the lecture title...
The TWO Cultures .....and the algebra subset symbols
........TWO Cu + ul ---> thus we have HIS secret periodic atomic table signal ...
Two ---> 29 electrons Cu=Copper atomic mass 63 + UL = Underwriter Labs

Sikh temple shooter identified as Wade Michael Page,  ...
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Aug 6, 2012 – 5 photo shows a duplex home in Cudahy, Wis. where Sikh Temple of Wisconsin shooting suspect, Wade Michael Page, lived upstairs.


shows a duplex home in Cudahy....Wade Michael Page, lived upstairs.

shows a duplex home in Cudahy

shows a duplex home in Cu = Copper atom ...signal


shows a duplex home in Cu = city of electri.CITY   represented by the EARTH LAB  city of CU = Cudahy








Above, we see EARTH LAB  and the geography surface .......the orange roadway lines......are similar lent to EARTH LAB copper wire electricity lines.     If one viewed EARTH from a satellite camers..... one could think of the EARTH geography surface being like a printed circuit  borad...with MOSCO--> MOS = like  Metal oxide Semiconductor parallel NOS = Metabolism Oxygen Societal-conduct..

The Islamic religous building ...MOSQUE --> bio-electron  human MOS queues..








307 × 295 - this is an copper PCB layout. ...


Wade atomic michael Page ...brain  ELECTRON CIRCUITS  RESISTOR

from city of Cu = Copper.....  brain circuit agent from Cu = Cudahy .....and the FCC problems  with televison and cellular phones, etc.undefined







400 × 305 - copper PCB resistor



What other factors may be involved in this complex puzzle.  Future studies....

Sikh temple shooter identified as Wade Michael Page, white ...
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Aug 6, 2012 – 5 photo shows a duplex home in Cudahy, Wis. where Sikh Temple of Wisconsin shooting suspect, Wade Michael Page, lived upstairs.


S  temple    Page,  ...

Shirley Temple movies   ..effect upon brain  ..upstairs?


S Temple Page   ...... LINK some human bio-computer page system ....r
Senate Pages  .... that work  in Washington,DC


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Aug 6, 2012 – 5 photo shows a duplex home in Cudahy, Wis. where Sikh Temple of Wisconsin shooting suspect, Wade Michael Page,
lived upstairs
lived upstairs .......what waht could this symbolize .....provide an accurate theoretical MODEL  please..

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