The gravity weight body ratio murders and the gravity string theory murders.
Gravity thought control systems and their interaction with human brain atomic mass and the brain thoughts sometimes give rise to unusal signaling EVENTS ..... tragic EVENTS that provide data CLUES about the Nature of gravity, human daily activities, and REALITY.
Let's review some gravity field / human facts and figures about existence on the geography surface of EARTH within the EARTH's gravity influence field.
Earth gravity field interaction with adult female human blood.
Let's look at some background data of gravity / human relationships. Then we will discuss the hematology THEORY of Gravity and Bl00D.
Humans are comprised of atomic mass that interacts with the gravity field giving weight.
The number 6.67 ............ shift the decimal point to the view .667 --> implies 2/3.
Now we look at the human species which is comprised of 2 adult gravity sub-species: male and female.
Adult atomic bio-physics females interact with gravity to give a weight range ....of say 100 pounds to 120 pounds.
Gravity specimen before being dressed with clothes.
Below, we see a gravity woman with a
head and a dressed body.
Thus she acquires a Computer Earth gravity field address ...... a data processing address space within earthly space/time. The Earth gravity computer uses G (gravity constant) as the HOST processor --> hence, the name of the GHOST computer.
Many adult females exist in the EARTH LAB gravity experiment geography zone.
The gravity field interacts with atomic mass inside the adult females brain. If the female brain has some serious, heavy thoughts in math and physics ....... those weighty thoughts interact with the gravity ..... hence educating the gravity field with DATA .......hence the creation of gravity DATA FIELDS as predicted by Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory. The results of the ROUTE 66 gravity intellectual experiment ...... no database exists in females ..... consequently the EARTH LAB announcement via the SIGN:
Thus we see the brain town ....the city of ideas and symbols a Gravity Host Town .....empty.
Let's look at MR.male and his weight .... between 150 and 180 pounds.
Let recall -->
females interact with gravity to give a weight range ....of say 100 pounds to 120 pounds.
Thus we see the gravity ratio --> 100 pound female / 150 pound male = 2/3
The gravity ratio ---> 120 point female / 180 pound male ---> 2/3
Many physics professors get married to study the gravity ratio using body language. The EARTH LAB specimen is the female. Thus we have the well-known gravity MISSION .... important bio-physics research.Missionary Sex Positions - Images of Missionary Position of us are fans of the
missionary position. And it's no surprise, considering that man-on-top mode is totally intimate, allowing you and your guy constant eye
Above, we see the gravity body language ratio --> 180 pounds over 120 pound ---> 3/2 --> implies 2/3
Thus ...we have the regular gravity field ratio of 2/3 and we have social expressions within that field--> 3/2.
Thus human social activities take place in an inverse gravity field or a reciprocal field.
The Reciprocal of a Number or Fractionwww.mathsteacher
One number is the reciprocal of another if their product is 1. For example, the reciprocal of 5/6 is 6/5Now ...we have the gravity gap between male and female.Say we have a group of 6 males ...combined weight ---> 1,000 pounds.The universal gravity interaction laws suggests
that 2/3 of 1000 pounds --> 667 pounds weight of the female group of 6 adults.This is known as the human gravity differential between the
2 gravity sub-species of humanoids on EARTH LAB.Thus we see that married physics student and professor are dedicated gravity experimental researchers.During the DAY they are at the university physics lab or studying
Super-Symmetry parallels and mirrors.Then suggested Night and Day 1936 - Salvador Dali - oil painting ›
Artists ›
Salvador Dali
Night and
Day Clothes. 1936, by artist
Salvador Dali. 100% hand-
painted museum quality oil
painting reproduction on canvas.
Thus we see that these gravity researchers. ..... literary WORK .... DAY and NIGHT ..... at 2 different LAB sites.
Busy as a BEAVER .... always something ......
Of course, more research needs to be done ... in a more formal and precise manner.
Thus you have an outline of a possible puzzle about Nature's design of the gravity field interaction with
bio-physics entities.
Why does Nature want to keep the 2 gravity sub-species separate? Obviously, the gravity field wants some clear method of identification ......... and the 1/3 difference is between a 120 pound female and 180 pound male is a clear cut boundary ZONE ...... the the DMZ between North and South Korea.
The current thought involves the EARTH geography surface and the earth soils/ land that humans walk upon.
We have 2-legs and are considered binary data processing entities. As we walk along the earth land, our gravity weight applies pressure to the EARTH geography surface ...... which is like a computer keyword ..... a parallel to the copper-wire keyboard with a mouse and an electron display terminal.
As I type this blog post ..... I am a 2-finger typist ... 2-fingers for this blog data entry.
Later, when I go outside into Nature's geography systems area .. . my 2-legs thru gravity body weight will provide data entry into the Computer EARTH surface ...... to Nature's SYSTEM ... yet, to be described in detail. Year 2013 awaits the curious researcher.
Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and the key concept words: gravity and B100D.
The word B100D may be perceived as a bio-computer
alpha/numeric word --> B + 100 + D --> letter B + decimal number 100 + letter D.
The key information component is decimal number 100.
The key gravity number was.667 ....which can be written as the ratio. 66.7 /100.
Using the entire word B100D as the --> 66.7 / B100D --> 66.7 / Base 100 Decimal
Now, somehow .....this gravity B100D equation of Nature ..... must somehow result in the weight ratio of 2/3 between females /males.
Now ...a female has IRON in her blood that undergoes a periodic cycle.
Key word --> Fe + male --> Female --> Ferrous oxide male ..... internal system entity.
Mr.male lacks this internal Ferrous oxide monthly signaling attribute; however, Mr.Male is an EXTERNAL iron agent with welding, iron foundaries, iron automobiles, etc.
The periodic atomic table element iron with 26 protons has the 26 letters of the atomic English language.
The proton language states that the atomic bio-physics female (fe + male) menstruation period is a subset of the periodic table.
Aug 19, 2013 - Because women of reproductive age lose iron through menstruation and their diets are often lacking in available iron, they are particularly
Thus we see women as a signaling device ... with the monthly signal of iron ..... and her IRON atomic mass interacts with the gravity field and the IRON magnetic properties interact with the EARTH's South POLE magnetic.
Thus the variable quantity of IRON in her body sends a variable signal into the gravity field and the magnetic field..
To determine whether normal physiologic changes associated with hormone fluctuations over
the menstrual cycle affect concentrations of iron-status indicators,
we examined data from 1712 women aged 18-44 y from the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) after adjusting for potential confounders
Thus ... with the female interaction with gravity filed and the magnetic field ..... she is part of some large EARTH system of Nature and providing STATUS codes.
Program Status Codes. Any code placed in the subfield location *STATUS that is greater than 99 is considered to be an exception/error condition. When the ...
40+ items - Any code placed in the subfield location *STATUS that is ...00002
Function key used to end display
End of file on a read (input)
Status codes for load programs. If the ISRT call is successful, DL/I returns a blank status code for the program. If not, DL/I returns one of these status codes:.
Mainframe Abend Codes and System Completion Codes in MVS, OS390, ZOS Tutorial. ... VSAM and QSAM File Status Codes/keys from IBM manual. IBM data processing systems and has read the IBM. System/360 Systems ... trol panel, branching, status switching, interruption system, and
Thus what kind of STATUS codes are known to women and their secret society.
In addition, we have the hematology secrets of
--> The WAR of 1812 --> 12/18 --> 2/3
--> The Battle of Water100 --> 100 --> Water and B100D conflict in year
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
18 and 6th month (June) --> 6/18 --> 12/18 ..... thus the LINK between the 2 wars.
--> the 100 years war ...of alpha/numeric B100D.
Apr 18, 2007 - Description of the Hundred Year's War between England and France.
Hematology, also spelled haematology (from the Greek 'αἷμα haima "blood" and -λoγία), is the study of blood, the blood-forming organs, and blood diseases ....... AND symbol messages, messages VIA history VIA blood expression signaling events, etc.
Hematology, also spelled haematology, is the branch of internal medicine, physiology, pathology, clinical laboratory work, and .... the new EARTH LAB information path ... has pathological communications problems in year 2013.
Thus we see some pieces to Nature's interesting puzzles.
Let's look at more bio-gravity laws, music lyrics, and music industry B100D rankings.
Gravity B100D song --> Walk Like an Egyptian
Let's look at the messages of an important bio-physics, hematology, and and political science song.
"Walk Like an Egyptian" was released as the third single from Different Light. It debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 in September 1986. The song reached a peak ...
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE provides us with definitions and databases associated with atomic ENGLISH language key WORDS.
Key word analysis --> about music and vocal lyrics --> sung --> sun + g --> implies solar system electromagnetic waves/ photon VIEW + g (gravity) VIEW of the past verb tense of harmonic sound wabes that have been sung by some humanoid..
Universal Gravitation
The Value of g
In Unit 2 of The Physics Classroom, an equation was given for determining the force of gravity (Fgrav) with which an object of mass m was attracted to the earth
Fgrav = m*g
In fact, many students of physics have become accustomed to referring to the actual acceleration of such an object as the acceleration of gravity. Not to be confused with the force of gravity (Fgrav), the acceleration of gravity (g) is the acceleration experienced by an object when the only force acting upon it is the force of gravity. On and near Earth's surface, the value for the acceleration of gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s/s. It is the same acceleration value for all objects, regardless of their mass (and assuming that the only significant force is gravity). Many students of physics progress this far in their understanding of the notion of gravity.
SUN + Universal Gravitation + g (acceleration of gravity) ...... codes ..
sun .......................................g --> sung some words with a musical instruments.
Scientists know that gravity interacts with human atomic mass giving human weight.
The gravity interaction with brain atomic mass creates the desire to sing --> sin + g --> sin wave gravity.
...key word........Egypt --> E + gy + pt --> Einsteins gravity pointer
Let's look a 2 applictions of the gravity pointer in the
STATE of Wisconsin
A matter of fact, this quantity known as the acceleration of gravity is such an important quantity that physicists have a special symbol to denote it - the symbol g.
Therefore sin + g --> sing
Therfore ---> Wisconsing
.......................sin wave region ...the music adaptation to politics ......
Accomplishments and biographical information about the Governor, plus access to up-to-the-minute information from the Communications Office.
1 day ago - First lady Michelle Obama came to Watertown High School on Thursday to pitch Americans on the health benefits of drinking water.
...................Egypt --> E + gy + pt --> County road E + gypsy Road + west Point (west road pointers)
Alternative cover |
1990 reissue cover |
"Walk Like an Egyptian" was released as the third single from Different Light. It debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 in September 1986. The song reached a peak ...
It debuted on the Billboard Hot 100
It debuted on the Billboard Hot 100
It debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 --> decimal number 100 is a subset of alpha/numeric word B100D
It debuted on the Billboard Hot B100D
....................................Hot B100D ..... the hematology ... gravity field interaction with the atomic mass of IRON in RED V100D cells.
Iron is an essential element for blood production. About 70 percent of your body's iron is found in the red blood cells of your blood called hemoglobin and in ...
Bio-physics iron 26 protons and its 26 atomic English alphabet letters
Gravity molecule with maximum interaction mass
Thus we see many interesting puzzles about music lyrics, song titles, and their secret social engineering commands and B100D/ brain barrier manipulation commands using audio sounds / harmonic waves.
Nature's BIG EAR of EARth is listening.
The SYMBOL MACHINE word /letter oscillating equation provides CLUES to the geography/geology EARTH land LINK to the human heart.
----> EARTH
----> EAR
----> EARTH
-----> EART + H oscillator (front letter or last letter)
---> H + EART --> spells --> HEART
-----> EART + H --> spells EARTH
Thus we see the increase in HEART attacks between 1960 and year 2013 was a consequence of citizen family attacks on EARTH land.
DNA string anger expressions of murder
DNA is a long string of these blocks or letters. Each nucleotide consists of a sugar (deoxyribose) bound on one side to a phosphate group and bound on the
DNA is a long string
DNA is a long string
DNA is a long string
DNA is a long string ..... whose INTERNAL anger has the EXTERNAL anger display VIA human murder by strangulation.
Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external change
by Herbert Spencer ... in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more of that abridged and less specific formula, in which Life is said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations. (§7 ¶1).
Let's look at example from year 1966.
Lat's look at Nature's year 1966 signaling EVENT for those human beings with a brain SYMBOL MACHINE processor with a bio-computer subroutine ..... an information particle subroutine comprised of curiosity, awareness, responsibility ...... the SYMBOL word and concept analyzer that is the super-symmetry parallel equivalent to the physical biology entity that biochemistry labels: SRP
Signal Recognition Particle: An Essential Protein-Targeting Machine › ... ›
List of Issues ›
Volume 82, 2013
by D Akopian -
Cited by 2 -
Related articles Signal Recognition Particle: An Essential Protein-Targeting Machine. Annual Review of
Biochemistry. Vol. 82: 693-721 (Volume publication date June 2013).
Signal recognition particle - Wikipedia, the free
The signal recognition particle (SRP) is an abundant, cytosolic, universally conserved .... European Journal of Biochemistry / FEBS 228 (3): 531–50.
Let's look at the Chicago signal.
A mass murderer leaves eight women dead — This Day
On the night of July 14, 1966, eight student nurses are brutally murdered by
Richard Speck at their group residence in
Chicago, Illinois. Speck threatened the
... Let's look at the periodic atomic table elements of life and thought and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family expression of anger .... atomic social science anger expression EVENT in the Chicago message processing region On the night of July 14, ............ ni ..........July 14, ............ ni........7th month 14th day Nitrogen - Wikipedia, the free
Nitrogen is a chemical element with symbol N and
atomic number 7. Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and mostly inert diatomic gas at standard
Liquid nitrogen -
Nitrogen cycle -
Inert -
Daniel Rutherford Richard Franklin Speck (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) was an American
mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.
Speck broke into a townhouse located at 2319
East 100th Street in the
Jeffery Manor neighborhood of
Chicago. It was functioning as a dormitory for several young student nurses ......
Thus we have a tragic EVENT ...that provides a b100d LANGUAGE and bl00d social policy infomation ....... an ERROR database for hematology social science and language engineers / analysts. B100d symbol evolution .... b100d levels of knowledge ...... can be described with the b100d number 100. Let's look at Nature's most advanced B100D formats.
Current theory and data states that B100D is alpha/numeric as described by the atomic English language biochemistry WORD: B100D.
B100D --> B + 100 + D --> alphabet letter B + a number system using 100 + D a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street Thus we see the hematology message LINKED to the DNA nitrogen base message Above, Nature's geography, earth atlas used Darwinian selection of the EARTH LAB atlas road map select the site for the hematology /
b100d / forensic science messsage .... the site address of: located at 2319
East 100th Street .
Nature's B100D data processing equation is ......
LEVEL B100D --> B = Binary 100 to D = Decimal ---> Decimal 4 thus
B100D ---> B 4 D --> Base 4 DNA --> scientists, computer programmers, and medical personnel deny this possibility of Nature's expression methods.
Thus we see the LINK between the
Nitrogen atom choice / selection of the calendar date of July 14 (1966) and
the B100D social engineering signaling system ...... selection / choice of the location of 100th Street in Chicago.
What other decisions did Nature's management system make ..... decision to DISPLAY messages.
Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Websterwww.
the art or practice of using
symbols especially by investing things with a
symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE for more clues about Nature's molecular cell biology design of the social science signaling EVENT. Nucleotides and the double helix - Life Sciences
DNA, however, it loses two of these
phosphate groups,
so that only one phosphate is incorporated into a strand of
DNA. When
nucleotides are incorporated
.. The molecule message project required a human to represent the one phosphate and its anger / hate ... Darwinian selection of symbols and human personality / attribute for .... ONE phosphate ...... Who Is Richard Speck? . - Google
Speck, white, 6 feet 1, 160 pounds, blue eyes, brown-blond hair slightly
... ,
he's a "loner and drifter who drank more .. How Stuff Works "DNA Structure"
DNA is a long string of these blocks or letters. Each
nucleotide consists of a sugar (deoxyribose) bound on one side to
a phosphate group and bound on the
... a phosphate group a --> ph = phillipine group of student nurses The Speck murders: 40 years later - Free
Jul 9, 2006 - Amurao, Pasion and Gargullo were from the Philippines, pursuing .... ....,
Richard Speck killed 8 student nurses on the ... a phosphate group ..... algebra subset alphabet symbols a ..hosp....... group ---> hospital group ( community = group) South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966. a phosphate group a ...........hate ......... ---> representing Nature's molecule systems ....Richard Speck Images for dna nucleotide phosphate group Images for dna nucleotide hosp ate group of eat HowStuffWorks "DNA Structure"
DNA is a long string of these blocks or letters. Each
nucleotide consists of a sugar (deoxyribose) bound on one side to a
phosphate group and bound on the
... DNA is a long string DNA is a long string DNA is a long string DNA is a long string --> string expression of anger/gate ---> using super-symmetry bio-physics mirrors of REALITY ---> Featured Articles about Arose - Page 2 - Orlando ›
The state Prison Review Board on Monday denied parole to
Richard Speck, the onetime longshoreman who killed eight student nurses in a bloodbath
Speck held the women in the house for hours,
methodically leading them out of the room one by one, stabbing or
strangling them to death (the ..... DNA long string method using longshoreman and the physics of string theory of death by atomic DNA long strings),
Thus in year 2013 ..... we see some CLUES to the 1966 puzzle.
What are some other examples ..... that is the DNA string creates a string of crimes .... and provides an information string for forensic scientists and biochemists.
A DNA strand is simply a string of nucleotides joined together.
The Boston Strangler is a name attributed to the murderer (or murderers) of 13 women in and near Boston, Massachusetts, United States, in the early 1960s.
Jul 19, 2013 - Officials: Lab test confirms DNA evidence taken from the body of a murder victim matches Albert DeSalvo, who at one point confessed he was ...
The living EARTH cell....EARTH LAB data messages
First wave (1962)
- Anna E. Slesers, 55, sexually molested with unknown object and strangled with the belt on her bathrobe; found on June 14, 1962 in the third-floor apartment at 77 Gainsborough St., Back Bay[6] (source: Boston Globe Archives)
- Mary Mullen, 85, died from a heart attack, but in the confession was said to have collapsed as DeSalvo grabbed her; found on June 28, 1962
- Nina Nichols, 68,[7]
- Helen Blake, 65, at 73 Newhall Street, Lynn, Mass.
- Ida Irga, 75, sexually molested and strangled; found on August 21, 1962 at 7 Grove Street apt 10 in Boston.
- Jane Sullivan, 67,
First wave (1962)
Second wave (1962–1964)
- Sophie Clark, 20, strangled with her nylon stockings; found on December 5, 1962, Boston Back Bay
- Patricia Bissette, 23, strangled with her nylon stockings; found on December 31, 1962, Boston Back Bay
- Mary Brown, 69, strangled , found on March 9, 1963 in Lawrence, Mass.
- Beverly Samans, 23, stabbed to death on May 8, 1963 at 4 University Road in Cambridge, Mass.
- Evelyn Corbin, 58, strangled with her nylon stockings; found on September 6, 1963 in Salem, Mass.
- Joann Graff, 23, strangled on November 23, 1963 in Lawrence, Mass.
- Mary Sullivan, 19, strangled with dark stockings; found by her roommates on January 4, 1964 in Boston.
A DNA strand is simply a string of nucleotides joined together
DNA is a long polymer made from repeating units called nucleotides. ...... Levene suggested that DNA consisted of a string of nucleotide units linked together ...
DNA is a long string of these blocks or letters. ... The steps are formed by the nitrogen bases of the nucleotides where
How do nitrogen bases pair up in DNA?
Natural nitrogen (N) consists of two stable isotopes, nitrogen-14, which makes ... Most of the isotopes with atomic mass numbers below 14 decay to isotopes of
DNA nitrogen ftabase ... a DNA information string about periofic atomic table elements ... for amatuer atomic detectibes
First wave (1962)
- Anna E. Slesers, 55, strangled with the belt on her bathrobe; found on June 14 (14 = atomic mass of nitrogen) , 1962 in the third-floor apartment at 77 Gainsborough St., Back Bay[6] (source: Boston Globe Archives)
apartment at 77
apartment at 77
apartment at 77 --> Nitrogen molecule apartment comprised of nitrogen atomic number 7 and nitrogen atomic number 7 ....hence, signal 77
- Mary Mullen, 85, died from a heart attack, but in the confession was said to have collapsed as DeSalvo grabbed her; found on June 28, 1962 --> June 28 --> nitrogen molecule atomic mass 28 = 14 + 14
- Nina Nichols, 68 ----> atomic English language proper noun --> Nina Nichols --> subset letters --> Ni Ni --> Nitrogen Nitrogen
- Helen Blake, 65, at 73 Newhall Street, Lynn, Mass ---> Lynn Mass --> subset letters --> nn Mass --> Nitrogen Nitrogen mass of molecule of 2 nitrogen atoms
- Ida Irga, 75, sexually molested and strangled; found on August 21, 1962 at 7 Grove Street apt 10 in Boston.
at 7 Grove
at 7 Grove
at 7 Grove --> at 7 --> atom 7 --> atomic number 7
Second wave (1962–1964)
- Sophie Clark, 20, strangled with her nylon stockings; found on December 5, 1962, Boston Back Bay
20, strangled
20, strangled
20, st --> 20 standard amino acids
- Patricia Bissette, 23, strangled with her nylon stockings; found on December 31, 1962, Boston Back Bay
23, strangled
23, strangled
23, strangled 23 chromsome pair SUPER-SYMMTERY physics..... pair of nylons
Sep 23, 2013 - In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes and LINK to pairs of nylons ,
- Mary Brown, 69, strangled , found on March 9, 1963 in Lawrence, Mass.
- Beverly Samans, 23, stabbed to death on May 8, 1963 at 4 University Road in Cambridge, Mass.
- , 23, stabbed to death ..... Cambridge, Mass.
- 23, stabbed to death ..... ..... Mass.
- Evelyn Corbin, 58, strangled with her nylon stockings; found on September 6, 1963 in Salem, Mass.
- Joann Graff, 23, strangled on November 23, 1963 in Lawrence, Mass.
November 23, 1963 in Lawrence, Mass.
N Mass.
Nitrogen Mass message for Lawrence LIVERMORE Labs,California
- Mary Sullivan, 19, strangled with dark stockings; found by her roommates on January 4, 1964 in Boston.
roommates on January 4
roommates on 1st month 4 day
roommate numbers 1 and 4 --> 14 --> nitrogen
strangled with dark stockings;
strangled with dark stockings;
strangled with dark stockings --> empitical data ...Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic social anthropology conflict
strangled with dark stockings;
strangled with dark stockings;
strangled with dark stockings ---> String theory of strangle and dark matter physics,
In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which
Seven noted physicists (another .... atomic number seven signal) ....
In astronomy and cosmology, dark matter is a type of matter hypothesized to account for a large part of the total mass in the universe. Dark matter cannot be seen ...
Apr 30, 2013 - What is dark energy? More is unknown than is known — we know how much there is, and we know some of its properties; other than that, dark ...
Dark Energy, Dark Matter behavior ---> an earthly display using atomic DNA human Earth LAB specimens Mary Sullivan, 19, strangled with dark stockings; found by her roommates on January 4, 1964 in Boston.
We have shown 2 analysis reports that covered a variety of concepts.
However, more research needs to be done.
For example, some outstanding questions remain about the common factors of the two crime cities.
1962, 1963, 1964 .... . the BOSS of Boston ... the Boston Strangler
1966 and Ricahrd Speck messaenger ... for SYMBOL MACHINE
super-symmetry physics communications systems ......
This is Mike Royko's view of longtime Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley. .... ago while I was still living in Chicago, when Royko was still alive, when Daley Sr. was ...
Richard J. Daley |
Daley at the Illinois Democratic National Convention in 1976. |
48th Mayor of Chicago |
In office April 20, 1955 – December 20, 1976 |
Both Ricahrd Speck and the Boston Strangler used applied string theory to create a database for researchers. Above, we see the information string in ACTION ...... in the transference of the
BOSTON situation in 1962, 63,64 to the BOSS administrative region in Chicago ..... another IRISH controlled city.
Both Richard Speck and the Boston Strangler acted alone against a Carl Jung collective of adult females ..... one group young (student nurses) and the other collective (an older average age).
Thus we have an message equation ---> 1 VS many .
The many (one group of many nurses at one time) AND the other many (a sum total of many individual women over a 3 year time)
In addition we have the average body weight of the collective groups of women.
We mentioned above the gravity ratio ---> female weight / male weight.
For example ....
average female weight 106 / one man weight 160 = .667 --> universal gravitational constant.
What did Richard Speck weight?
What did the group of student nurses weight?
What was the relationship between year 1966 and the boundary year 1900.
That is year 1900 and COMPUTER EARTH spanned data records that spanned the century boundary TIME line .... hence, the TIME battles as represented by ,,,,,
On April 21, 1898, the United States declared war against Spain. The causes of the conflict were many, but the immediate ones were America's support of ...
Thus year 1900 is an important FRAME of Reference in earthly spce.time affairs ...... thus year 1900 + gravity number 66.7 gives us year 1966 July ... Chicago murders of Phillipine agents under the auspices of student nurses.
Gravity strings and waves +
biochemistry nucleotides and DNA long strings +
Richard Speck's Carl Jung collective unconsciousness studying wave mechanics as a seaman on Lake Michigan +
the Boston Strangler dojing supplemental parallel studies in applied string thory in year 1963 .... with atomic number 63 of long copper wire strings and the CITY within elctriCITY.
Mary Brown, strangled, found on March 9, 1963 in Lawrence, Mass. Beverly Samans, 23, stabbed to death on May 8, 1963 at 4 University Road in Cambridge, Mass (atomic mass signal). Evelyn Corbin, 58, strangled with her nylon stockings; found on September 6, 1963 in Salem, Mass --> copper 63 electromagnetic field and atomic mass. Joann Graff, 23, strangled on November 23, 1963 in Lawrence, Mass--> thus the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and the electron social science .... behavior LAW within the electron city of elctriCITY..
Thus ...we see a few questions still remain in year 2013.
Boston is to busy running around in circles ..... that they can't be bothered to try to explain these deeper levels of REALITY that seem to be LINKED to the tragic signals of the Boston Strangler.
The Boston Marathon tragedy of year 2013 ..... is another incomplete explanation by newspapers in Boston. Isaac Asimov would be disappointed in Boston intellectuals in year 2013 ...... if he was alive.
But he alive in spirit .. .. in my spirit .. .thru his FOUNDATION books and his paperback science books that outline the basic knowledge of various areas in physics, atoms, biochemistry, etc.
Posted by herbzinser
at 6:12 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 12 October 2013 10:20 PM EDT