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Posted by herbzinser at 11:01 PM EDT
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Nature's exotic atomic and mathematical computers



Nature has many exotic data processing systems that need to be understood.


For example, we have the algebra/ plane geometry  data processing equations of the right triangle.

















The equation is:

 The specific EARTH LAB geometry space/time computer in  Einstein's data processing  DATA FIELD theory has the equation:
42  + 3 =  52 
This is  known in New York City universities as the Times Square equation of 42nd  Street.
Let's return to computer science ...the right triangle computer. 
42  +   32    =   52  
16  +  9   =  25  ...more descriptive .....
BASE 16  + (8 data bits + 1 erro checking parity bit+ = 25
Base 16 shooting on April 16...at Virginia TECH was a result of violation of the RIGHT triangle laws of life  ...... the conflict with the Department of English and their incomplete  perceptions of copyRIGHT RIGHT triangle publishing laws. 
Thus the battle with  English language agent (Mr.CHO) that took place in the mathematical-geometry  engineering building .....at Virginia TECH......the relationship beween physical buildings and symbolic   buildings. 
Another exotic computer is the oxygen atomic processor used ny the LU = Logical Unit bio-computer device known as the human. The oxygen atomic mass 16 makes it a Base 16 hexadecimal processor ........ and in humans ....  accounts for the Base 16 religious  HEX experiences of some people.  COBOL application programmers have done parallel studies in  this religious CURSE experience  VIA the data processing HEX curse known as the hexadecimal ABEND DUMP. 

Introduction to Hexadecimal, or Base 16, Number System  ...... modern religious HEX experiences of computer programmers and their souls

Jun 21, 2009 – The Hexadecimal, or base 16 number system is important to ... Composed of "hex" meaning six(6), and "dec" meaning ten(10), the word ...


Hexadecimal is packed with information

Now, let's go in reverse. Let's start with a hexadecimal number (a pretty big one) and convert it into decimal. Then, once we've done that, we'll go even further and convert both into their binary equivalent. Here's how you do it. The graphic below should help.

Figure 3 

Number System

By Tim(e)  agent .....  Johnson 

Introduction to Hexadecimal, or Base 16, Number System

and Base 16 geography computer address space --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avemue  

 The hexadecimal number system is based on 16 symbols. In other words, there are sixteen(16) symbols to count with.

 The symbols are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and A, B, C, D, E, and F. The use of upper case letters is a bit of a switch but don't panic.

As you might suspect
A does equal 10;
B, 11;
C, 12;
D, 13;
E, 14, and
F, 15.

A-F are used to keep our counting numbers all in single digits.
A-F  --> the COMPUTER EARTH system 370   ...AFghanistan war zone  with the   switch  ...a haunted algebra  subset within a .......switch

Number Systems

Decimal Number System (base 10)

  • Uses 10 digits: 0 – 9
  • 125 = 1*102 + 2*101 + 5*100

Binary Number System (base 2)

  • Uses 2 digits: 0 and 1
  • 110101 = 1*25 + 1*24 + 0*23 + 1*22 + 0*21 + 1*20

Hexadecimal Number System (base 16)

  • Uses 16 symbols: 0 – 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
  • 19F = 1*162 + 9*161 + 15*160
























































 Thus we see the George Orwell TIME COMPUTER manual titled 1984. 

1984 + IBM base 16 oxygen  = year 2000 and the  Y2K  data stream problems that continue in year 2013.





Another atomic computer is uranium 238.

The equation 238---> Base 2 exponent 3 = 8 data bits. 


A theoretcial variation of the uranium system ...might be the 92 electrons.  The complement of decimal number 92  --> 8 data bits ...in the tens / tensor space complement system.

 92 + 8 = 100



Another version is the University of Wisconsin  atomic symbolic machine known as the shell with gate 2.  


Wisconsin Camp Randall Stadium 24kt Gold Coin Photomint


Jan 6, 2013 – Wisconsin Badgers football scores, news, schedule, players, stats, photos, stadium, ... Camp Stadium University of Wisconsin, Madison: 2 reviews, articles, and 2 ... Recruits Will Call is located in the Shell lobby next to Gate 2



4 - Search Results - External serving Hampton Roads serving ...

Results 61-80 of about 61,100 for UW Madison Football Schedule ... Camp Randall Seating Chart - UWBadgers.com - The Official Web ... Wisconsin Non-Football Recruits Will Call is located in the Shell lobby next to Gate 2.
Thus we have the atomic sports equation with U --> University and its Margaret  Mead atomic social  anthropolgy expressions and messages....the super-symmetry parllel  U systems....  

...the well-known  atomic social science announcements  of the U2 music  group and the U2 spy plan of the plane of  air plane geometry.














 The atomic configurationwith  Madison intellectuals .....

 ATOMIC humaoid .... Seating Chart - UWBadgers.com - The Official Web ... Wisconsin Non-Football Recruits Will Call is located in the  Shell lobby next to Gate 2







 Seating Chart - UWBadgers.com - The Official Web ... Wisconsin Non-Football Recruits Will Call is located in the  Shell lobby next to Gate 2

 -->  the Base 2 logic gate 2 information orbitals at locations 2,4,6,8 ....   
...that exist between the odd integers of Pier ODD at FermiLAB.









 Seating Chart - UWBadgers.com - The Official Web ... Wisconsin Non-Football Recruits Will Call is located in the  Shell lobby next to Gate 2




















Above, the subshells  s,p --> sports at University of Wisconsin ...and their CARL JUNG atomic collective unconsiousness GROUP MIND  ... comprised of the collective of students and professors ... and their  secret society manipulation schemes.


Thus we see pieces to various data processing puzzles.


Notice, the above table has omitted the  even STEVEN integers of the Department of Energy  leader ...STEVEN  C.


Thus we see the mathematical-physics integrer continuum  of ODD and EVEN intgers and their humanoid spokesperson... who deny the existence of Ntaure's math integer architcerture.

We have  from the Galapagos Islands region of Peru ....  the Darwinian atomic evolution EARTH LAB  specimen known as Pier Odd.one = 1, 3, 5, 7 .... .as shown in the above physics table used by FermiLAB.


Also ..related to NATURE's  Department if Energy is  even STEVEN bio-math integer agent ..... 


News for department of energy steven chu.

  1. Steven Chu's DOE Legacy: Big Science, Grand Challenges and Solyndra
    HPCwire ‎- 1 day ago
    US Energy Secretary Steven Chu oversaw the nation's energy policy at one of the most politically divisive times in recent history. Last Friday he ...

 Thus we see Nature's systems and the subsytem above --> OE EVEN --> ORDER ENTRY even integer systems VIA  bio--math humanoid ST.even as the interface to Nature's integer continuum. 


Thus we have some CLUES about existence and reality  ..... and the secrets of the social sciences.

Posted by herbzinser at 11:13 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 7 February 2013 12:41 AM EST
The 23Signal --> 23S --> 235 isotopes of uranium's Margaret Mead atomic anthropology expressions VIA atomic humanoid output DISPLAY devices.



The periodic atomic table has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic biology structures on EARTH LAB that Nature  as assigned the identifier noun: humanoid.

Let's look at how uranium expresses itself.

1) the physical expression VIA the physics of nuclear bombs  or the usage of  uranium to generate electricity at nuclear power plants.  

2) the symbolic power of uranium inside Nature's intellect and the usage of symbols, numbers, equations, alphabet letters to vratea symboolic machine thta represents the symbolic  life of uranium and other elements of the atomic table.  



President C --> Jimmy CARBON Carter went to the Naval to study his atomic military base under  secret codes .......Admiral Trick RICK  over G.over --> Government.   

  • Hyman G. Rickover - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... Navy TRICK RICK messages

    Rickover is known as the "Father of the Nuclear Navy", which as of July 2007 had ...... President Jimmy Carter's naval career (and the role of Admiral Rickover) ...
  • Naval Service of Jimmy Carter

    When Admiral Hyman G. Rickover (then a captain) started his program to create nuclear powered submarines, Carter wanted to join the program and was ...





    Uranium-235 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    General. Name, symbol, Uranium-235,235U ... Uranium-235 is an isotope of uranium making up about 0.72% of natural uranium. Unlike the predominant isotope uranium-238, it is fissile, i.e., it can sustain fission chain reaction. It is the only ... 




    The 23Signal --> 23S --> 235 isotopes of  uranium's Margaret Mead atomic anthropology expressions VIA atomic humanoid output DISPLAY devices. 


    The graphic arts symbol shape has some equivalent approximations  between alphabet  sysmbols and number symbols.  

     number 2 --> capital letter Z ABD IBM base 2 system 370 Z/OS

     number 8 --> capital alphabet  symbol B --> Base 2 ,  Base 4 and Base 16   linking relationship with 8 data bits  


    number 5 fingers --> S --> Symbolic machine WAR with University of Wisconsin  physics at puppet string theory high school  performance at Marionette theater,  Marinette, Wisconsin.

    S =  Symbolic machine
    S =  Signal device and signals
    S =  Sample space output messages VIA  Nature's agent
    S =  Sam Hengel and the ouput messages identifier ...

    data record output (outdoors with the Boy Scouts) for the
    I/O port with data FIELD at geography location (Porterfield).



  • FREEDOM EDEN: Sam Hengel

    Nov 30, 2010 – Sam Hengel was from Porterfield. ... in which he held 23 students and a teacher hostage at a Northeastern Wisconsin ... More: Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular. By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid.
  • Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige remains ...

    www.cleveland.com › National News
    Nov 30, 2010 – Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., ... The 15-year-old boy who held 23 students and a teacher hostage in ... well-liked, a Boy Scout, even-keeled, plenty of friends, loving family. .... Outside Hengel's home in
     Porterfield was
    a large sign



     Porterfield ..... Wisconsin  EARTH SYSTEMS and the computer science  lies,  cover-ups and the murder of SAM Hengel. 


  • Computer  port (hardware) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In computer hardware, a port serves as an interface between the computer and ... Some auto-detect ports can even switch between input and output based on ...
  • [PDF] 

    Computer Input/Output Ports and Interfaces - NASA Glenn Explorer ...

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Computer Input/Output Ports and Interfaces. 1. Terms and abbreviations: port an electrical connection using multiple wires to send data typically between a ...

    Input output ports behind the computer



    Output Ports and Interfaces 

    OUT doors ( represnted by Boy Scouts)

    Port --> Portersfield information systems WAR with human bio-computers and the Wisconsin state legislature and their
     bio-computer assembly languages.














    U-235 (Uranium-235) « DarkGovernment

    Name, symbol, Uranium-235,235U. Neutrons, 143. Protons, 92. Nuclide data. Natural abundance, 0.72%. Half-life, 703,800,000 years. Parent isoto..pes(t),  235Pa ..



    Thus we have the Margaret Mead atomic social science signals.


     University of Wisconsin and the Department of Energy and the world's   electrical  system with nuclear power generating plants ignore REAL atomic socila anthroplogy WAR data  signals. 


    U-235 (Uranium-235) « Dark Government


    Update Marinette High School hostage taker Samuel Hengel dies ...

    Dec 1, 2010 – Samuel Hengel, the high school sophomore had shot a film projector and ... Samuel had held a teacher
    and 23 students hostage for five hours.

    Isotope data
    for Uranium  235  in the Periodic Table

    Detailed decay information for the isotope Uranium235 including decay chains and ... 235U, Half-life, Fermion, 92p 143n, title icon ... Show Isotope Symbols.

     Thus we have the 23 signal ......  the decay chains of Wisconsin society and the decay of Wisconsin farms and business. 


    MIlwaukee 23 signal of the Milwaukee police undercover operation  with













    Signal  235 ---> translated to 23 Shooting --> translated to EARTH geography surface  tragic signaling  EVENT at Milwaukee geo-physics location ......   2nd  Street and 3rd street.

    In the Line of Duty - PSYCH EVAL. FOR POS WHO SHOT MILW ...

    Julius Burton, who is accused of shooting two Milwaukee police officers, appears in ... Thompson turned onto S. 2nd St. and saw both officers confronting Burton, who ... Norberg, who is listed in good condition at Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa, ... block of S. 3rd St. less than an hour later and  the  gun used in the shooting was recovered by  atomic bio-physics humanoid police agents for the Margaret  Mead atomic nuclear family crimes.

    In addition, Nature repeated the signal in Milwaukee VIA atomic numeric code 2339 --> 23 range 3 thru 9 --> giving
    the well-known uranium 235 and 238 atomic religious mass numbers used by astrophysics scientists on SUNDAY  when they think of the SUN in the solar system ..and  the various  nuclear procsses of Nature's religious energy  systems.
  • Police stake out gun store on lookout for fe = ferrous oxide atoms in fe = felon formats, straw buyers

    www.jsonline.com › NewsMilwaukee County
    Sep 26, 2009 – The convicted felon and his girlfriend pulled up to Badger Guns in West ... after leaving Badger Guns, 2339 S. 43rd St. Milwaukee police had staked ... after Milwaukee police Officers Graham Kunisch and Bryan Norberg were ...
  • Gun in shooting of officer traced to Badger Guns

    www.jsonline.com › NewsMilwaukee County
    Oct 4, 2009 – A top supplier of crime guns for years, Badger has been under ... of officers were shot in the head on Milwaukee's south side in June. ... the poison it creates is seeping onto our streets and causing havoc." ... Badger's owner, Allan, said he wasn't in the store when the gun used to shoot Officers Norberg and ...
    Milwaukee citizens and newspapers like their bull-stories and the incomplete explanations of REALITY. 
    Thus we have major signals  being sent to major universities, corporations, and government departments and RD labs ....
    all the obvious basic   CLUES are printed in  newspapers and broadcast on  television  ..... yet they are ignorned.
    Thus we see that the FCC and the  mass comunications indistry (newspapers, magazines, telvision radio, movies,etc)    can't  handle the intellectual  commuication reqirements of life on EARTH ..... which includes atomic mass and atomic mass social engineering  communication signals. 

    Posted by herbzinser at 12:46 PM EST
    Updated: Wednesday, 6 February 2013 4:41 PM EST
    Monday, 28 January 2013
    Jesse Ventura and the I-35W bridge --> the atomic-astrophysics wrestling match


    The mysteries of events on Earth  Lab enable curious and serious resaerchers  many opportunities.  Let's look at the incomplete explanations of the I-35W bridge collapse in Minnesota  and consider  possible additonal actors in that happening.


    I-35W Mississippi River bridge


    I-35W Mis --> Management information systems ....atomic stream of consciousness ...communications bridge 


    Earth systems location


    The I-35W Mississippi River bridge (officially known as Bridge 9340) was an eight-lane, steel truss arch bridge that carried Interstate 35W across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. During the evening rush hour on August 1, 2007, it suddenly collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The bridge was Minnesota's fifth busiest,[4][5] carrying 140,000 vehicles daily.[3] The NTSB cited a design flaw as the likely cause of the collapse, and asserted that additional weight on the bridge at the time of the collapse contributed to the catastrophic failure.[6] 




    Let's look at the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth)  as a periodic atomic table  laboratory .....EARTH LAB. 


    Thus we have a continuum ...from the atomic level to the astronomy/astrophysics level.  

    The atomic/astrophysics continuum on Earth Lab has representatives that describe and explain  various aspects of existence on Earth.

    For example, a math professor would explain that musician James  Taylor is singing math songs about Taylor polynomials.

    James Vernon Taylor (born March 12, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. A five-time Grammy Award winner, Taylor was inducted into the ...  


    An astrophysics professor would have cryptic messages sent..
    .........trophy wives is the secret  newspaper  code used. 

    Wives --> University of Wisconsin --> Wi + ves --> Wisconsin vector space    and their animal CALVES  secret codes.

    Calves --> Cal + ves --> Caltech Vector space 

    trophy-wife - definition and meaning


    The Wall Street Journal: Spacecraft to Stage Craft. “It's easy judge her and make fun of her new-money, trophy-wife status, with her boyfriend who buys art for her ...


    Wall Street Wife Says Her New Reality Show Is Not About Trophy ...


    Jul 15, 2011 – Wall Street Wife Says Her New Reality Show Is Not About Trophy Wives .... Street Journal and Economic News, World News & Video Wsj.com 4 .. 


    Thus we have --> New Reality show of  astrophysics


    In year 2013....our task is to  understand  and think clearly despite   the brain manipluation problems in the news ........ social pscyhology wars to control math and physics professors.


     Returning to the I-35 Bridge collapse...let's identify  the atomic /astrophysics continuum communications agents for this EVENT.

    1st) word BRIDGE --> implies Cambridge University has an agent that qualifies as an astrophysics  communicator:   THE  HAWK  ...with  computer intials PSWH --> Professor SWH --> Program Status Word Hubble WAR project.

    The Hubble Wars - Book Review


    The Hubble Wars - Astrophysics Meets Astropolitics in the Two Billion Dollar Struggle over the Hubble Space Telescope by Eric J. Chaisson 250 pages .. 


    Above Cambridge and other universities  .....the astronomy WAR keywords > Base 2  and num.eric   eric. 


     Let's look at the other end of the EARTH LAB atomic/astrophysics continuum.

    The Minnesota agent has had a long career  with the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... atomic social anthropology  and atomic political science with the period atomic table of elements. 


    Jesse Ventura

    James George Janos[4] (born July 15, 1951), better known as Jesse Ventura, is an American politician, actor, author, veteran, and former professional wrestler who served as the 38th Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003. 



    Jesse Ventura
    Jes...........uranium 238

    Thus...we see the Office of Science and FermiLAB have an atomic computer and atomic bio-computer parallel agent.

      chemical element design

      Nature's bio-chemistry parallel design  










    We have the atomic bio-physics profile LINKS of Jesse Ventura.

    Let's review these.

    a) the 38th parallel agent to uranium 238 

    b) identifier Vent.ura --> uranium 238

    c) governor from 1999 ro 2003 --> the year 2003 is the well-known atomic computer equation of uranium 238.

    Atomic data processing 238 --> Base 23  = 8

     Year 2003 --> Base 2003 implies 8  --> gestalt completion number is giving 238 atomic mass.


    In addition we see the secret IBM  bio-computer code  

    Jesse Ventura ...James George Janos

    What is JES? - IBM


    z/OS uses a job entry subsystem or JES to receive jobs into the operating system, to schedule them for processing by z/OS, and to control their output ... 

    Thus we see the bio-computer human robot  ....the citizen programmed brain computer  .... operating ystem of the State of Minnesota.



    d) his periodic atomic table output  messenger  carreer was a professional wrestler.

    Atomic English language word 

    Professional --> Pro + fe --> the 26 protons of ferrous oxide IRON atom 


    Thus we see the 2 major atomic identifiers of the Minnesota

    agent: uranium  and ferrous oxide IRON atom   ...both these entities have a physical  existence and a symbolic existence as may be seen in a basic college chemistry or physics  textbook.


     Super-symmetry existential physics .....gives the parallel uranium RD and Ferous oxide IRON atom site .. named Fer --> Ferrous oxide at Fer--> FermiLAB in the  Batman region of Northern Illinois. 

     FermiLAB  and the mirror  of the professional wrestler.














     Above, the FermiLAB secret signal ---> Land of Sky Blue Waters with  the Jesse Ventura extended family  .... uranium social sciences with Margaret Mead.


    [Edited 2006-03-15 23:52:20] 

    From the land of sky blue waters,
    From the land of pines, lofty balsams,
    Comes the beer refreshing,
    Hamm's, the beer refreshing.


    Hamms --> H + am + ms --> Hydrogen atomic mass message systems VIA water moelcule  .....

    From the land of pines    to the land of pi = 3.14159 --> Pier Oddone 


    The I-35W bridge was composed of  Iron atoms  that were involved in the atomic/astrophysics continuum SCIENCE WARS ..... and the isotopes 235 atomic anthropology problems.

    Consequently the atomic bridge  collapse  ......with the important message to the uranium  group.

    Minnesota Governor Vent.Uranium 238

    I-Integer base 2 .....

    I-35 BRIDGE --> 235 --> Uranium 235 istopes(t)  communications   bridge problems in Margaret Mead atomic anthropology  and the Hierarchy Problem of physics that excludes  Nature's  Darwinina selection of Margaret Mead nuclear family analysts.


    Thus we have the BP = Base Pair   continuum  genetics  puzzle. 


    Base Pair --  Ventura and Stephen Hawking

    Base Pair--  Venura  and FermiLAB 


    Thus we see how super-symmetry concepts and the Grand Unified Theory help us understand Nature's project assignments to various humanoids. 

    Posted by herbzinser at 11:13 PM EST
    Updated: Tuesday, 29 January 2013 12:40 AM EST
    Wednesday, 23 January 2013
    The NBC --> Nitrogen Botany Cycle WAR of December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary science school, Connecticut


    The Botany social engineering  wars on Earth are well-known.  Newspapers print the Botany battle news reports, but  omit the explanations underlying those tragic EVENTS.


    Let's look at signal for the 14th Dalai  Lama of Tibet, a theoretical representative for Nature who .... who at the advice of his  science and  university  advisors  declined Nature's  cellulose TREE BUD  job offer to a humanoid cell BUD.DHIST.


    Let's look at a signal ......14th D --> 14th December,  2012 signal from the periodic atomic table  of elements and Nature's process control systems.








    The 12 month ( December) --> carbon 12 atomic anthropology message   

    Friday 14 --> Nitrogen atom and  NBC project  =  Nitrogen Botany Cycle.  

    This periodic table information helps explain the Margaret  Mead atomic nuclear family tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.


    Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...


    As of November 30, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary School had 456 children enrolled ... Some time before 9:30 a.m. EST on FridayDecember 14, 2012. ..



    The Sandy Hook and  Nitrogen Cycle message processing geography region on EARTH ---> Nature's system 370 communications  CONNECT failure in the state of Connect.icut.


    Nitrogen cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The nitrogen cycle is the process by which nitrogen is converted between its various chemical forms. This transformation can be carried out through both ...
  • The Nitrogen Cycle

    An explanation of the different forms of nitrogen on earth, nitrogen fixation, decay, and nitrification.
  • Nitrogen Cycle

    The main component of the nitrogen cycle starts with the element nitrogen in the air. Two nitrogen oxides are found in the air as a result of interactions with ...


    Applications .......Nature's advanced education systems...........

    the nitrogen cycle starts with the element nitrogen in the
     air --->  the Connecticut cycle satrts of Friday December 14 with the Sandy Hook elementary school element NITROGEN.





     Thus we see Nature's systems and the decomposition of the Sanfy Hook elementary school .......  an additional  component to be added into  the Darwinian evolution of  Nature's nitrogen cycle  SYSTEM gestalt models ....which now includes social science systems.  Grand Unified Theory and the Theory of Everything predicated this possibilty.


    The Nitrogen Cycle of December 14,2012

    The nitrogen cycle represents one of the most important nutrient cycles found in terrestrial ecosystems (Figure 9s-1). Nitrogen is used by living organisms to produce a number of complex organic molecules like amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. The store of nitrogen found in the atmosphere, where it exists as a gas (mainly N2), plays an important role for life. This store is about one million times larger than the total nitrogen contained in living organisms. Other major stores of nitrogen include organic matter in soil and the oceans. Despite its abundance in the atmosphere, nitrogen is often the most limiting nutrient for plant growth. This problem occurs because most plants can only take up nitrogen in two solid forms: ammonium ion (NH4+ ) and the ion nitrate (NO3- ). Most plants obtain the nitrogen they need as inorganic nitrate from the soil solution. Ammonium is used less by plants for uptake because in large concentrations it is extremely toxic. Animals receive the required nitrogen they need for metabolism, growth, and reproduction by the consumption of living or dead organic matter containing molecules composed partially of nitrogen. 



    Figure 9s-1: Nitrogen cycle.


     In most ecosystems nitrogen is primarily stored in living and dead organic matter. This organic nitrogen is converted into inorganic forms when it re-enters the biogeochemical cycle via decomposition. Decomposers, found in the upper soil layer, chemically modify the nitrogen found in organic matter from ammonia (NH3 ) to ammonium salts (NH4+ ). This process is known as mineralization and it is carried out by a variety of bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi.


     Thus we see the  ROLE/ positon  of Sandy Hook situation in Nature processes ..... the upper soil layer of Connecticut ..where humanoids build basement houses and schools.i

    Decomposers, found in the upper soil layer, 


    Let's look at the history of Botany wars.

    1) cellulose President Wood  and World War  1

    2) The Botany rice shoots war  in Vietnam ..... the CHIN of Indo.China  and the MOUTH of the Mekong Delta RIVER  stream of consciousness.

    Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online


    the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or ....


    Salinity, oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in shoot cultures ...

    by MF Nor'aini - 1997 - Cited by 141 - Related articles
    Experimental. Botany. Salinity, oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in shoot cultures of rice. Nor'aini M. Fadzilla1, Robert P. Finch2 and Roy H. Burdon1'3 ...





    448 × 336 - Rice shoots are thriving well ! 

     3) Universe of Wisconsin Botany agent from Laos/Vietnam  --->  rice shoots in Rice Lake, Wisconsin


    4) in the state of Connect ...that is marriage and social connections  .... represented by symbol/ proper nouns  ,,,, the state of Connecticut  .......we see  how Nature's anger is expressed  via  RICE SHOOTS at Sandy Hook  ....a message to the East Coast humanoid  rice crowd  and their rice rituals ---> 

  • Why is rice thrown at weddings?

    The basis for the predominant theory as to why rice and other grains, such as wheat, have played a prominent role in marriage ceremonies for centuries, is that ...
  • Why Do People Throw Rice at Weddings? - Yahoo! Voices - voices ...

    Oct 1, 2007 – Throwing rice at the bride and groom or in the air over them as they depart the wedding ceremony and set off on their new life has been a ...
  • Wedding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding vows by the ..... The red umbrella protects the bride from evil spirit, and the rice and beans are to .

     Thus we see Nature and its methods of expression. 

    Perhaps, someday ...someone with  functional brain may wish to study this further.  You have some pieces to an interesting puzzle anout Nature''s social engineering and social process control systems with feedback ERROR sigmals / messages.

    Posted by herbzinser at 2:13 PM EST
    Updated: Wednesday, 23 January 2013 5:13 PM EST
    Saturday, 19 January 2013
    Base 16 bio-math DNA President --> 16th President --> Abe Lincoln



    The Base16 hexadecimal president of the United States lived at COMPUTER EARTH system 370 geography computer address space of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.






















    His bio-computer VICE-President was HanniBAL --> Basic Assembler Language government representative. 


    Nature was  trying to send some messages and DNA approximation signals VIA  the features of President Lincoln.
























  • What are the four types of nucleotides of DNA

    wiki.answers.com › Wiki AnswersCategoriesScienceBiology
    The four nucleotides in DNA are: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. Adenine pairs with thymine while guanine pairs with cytosine. Improve answer ...
  • Why does DNA only use 4 nucleotides? | Mass

    Jun 13, 2007 – I was quite intrigued when a mathematical biologist at a conference told me recently that no one really knew why DNA had four bases rather ...


     Let's look at a possible  approximation, estimate signal from NATURE VIA the biochemistry ......equation ..

    16th President x  4 DNA nucleotides = 64   which  became the

    additional  relationship .... of 6 and 4 VIA


    Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Lincoln's death was the first assassination of a U.S. president and sent the .... At 6 feet 4 inches (193 cm), he was tall and "strong enough to intimidate any rival". 


    SOLUTION: President Abraham Lincoln was 6 feet 4 inches tall. An ...

    www.algebra.com › AlgebraProportions

    SOLUTION: President Abraham Lincoln was 6 feet 4 inches tall 


     Now, in actual detal 6 feet 4 inches = 76 inches.
    But, that corelates  to year 1776 ...
    Nature's  invention (patent  LAW code 17)  of Abe Lincoln.


    The real biochemistry  message is  64  =  oxygen atomic computer mass BASE  16  time 4 DNA NUCLEOTIDES -->  
    6 feet 4 inches --> implies  bio-computer DOUBLEWORD 64 = 32 + 32 .................... all existent in  year 1864.

    Thus we see Nature' s interaction mechanisms at work ...with Base  16 President Lincoln living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ... etc.   ...and he was killed  at Base 16 HEX'Fo' = 240 --> Ford theater computer science drama.



    Now, in year 2013...we see the LINK of LINCOLN  ...being 6 feet 4 inches talll --> Tallahassee , Florida State University  physics with Paul Dirac.

    It is believed that the Carl JUNG atomic collective unconsciosness of the periodic atomic table lements of life ...gets involved in this commuincations process.

    Mass communications is known as televsion, radio and print.
    For science students ...this is really atomic mass communications VIA atomic bio-physics humanoid reporters that have atomic mass messages printed in the mass communication vehicles....newspapers, magazines,  etc.  


    Thus we see that there are problem in th communication continuum  caused by myopic, puppet  citizens ...who don't care about the incomplete explanations printed in the newspaper.


    Posted by herbzinser at 3:17 PM EST
    Updated: Saturday, 19 January 2013 7:46 PM EST
    Friday, 18 January 2013
    Sunlight as the origin of expression VIA botany language processes that are input to humanoid display entities.


    We see the Darwinian evolution of sunlight and various concepts and processes of Nature ...as they continue ....via their expressions into our symbolic society.


    Let's look at some data signals that may help theorists explain this particular   system of Nature.

    picture - em visible light.PNG


    Humans are subsets embedded within the multi-faceted dimensions of Nature's Sartre existential expressions.

     Before humans,  Nature had various governmental levels OR organization levels OR system levels.

    1) the periodic atomic table elements of life and thought
    2) the atoms thought and their engineering thoughts built molecules 
    3) molecules had engineering thoughts and built cellulose trees and  dinosaurs
    4) eventually, some molecules thought they could build  a humanoid with a philosophical brain that understood this process




    ... According to Green, it was Kant who first explored the role of anxiety (Angst) in our experience of ethical guilt. Kierkegaard's insight was that Kant's philosophy ...


    Existentialist philosophers often stress the importance of Angst as signifying the absolute lack of any objective ground for action, a move that is often reduced to ...

    Angst  --> messages about  sunlight and candle light ..... electromagnetic  wavelengths of light using as input data streams to the eye/ optical nerve / symbolic processor.
    Angstroms  and the worry/anxiety of the brain photon processor over language misuse by citizens, schools, and governments


    by Omkar Phatak - in 172 Google+ circles - More by Omkar Phatak
    An 'Angstrom' is 10-10m. The wavelength of visible light starts from 3800 Angstrom and extends up to 7500 Angstrom. These are the wavelengths to which the 


    Angst as signifying the absolute lack of any objective ground for action,
    Angst as signifying the absolute lack of any objective ground for action,
    Angst as signifying the absolute lack of any objective ground for action --> referring to electromagnetic life forms that occupy the human body.  These  EM bio-computer subroutines  exist in the electromagnetic field ...that is the city of symbols within the  velocity of light.

    .......city of noun, verbs, equations  .....of some people  that are NOT  "Down to EARTH people"   ......,but live in some Hollywood style frame of mind ...with only a partial understand of solid-state REALITY.

     Thus music groups like RADIO HEAD, Talking Heads, and others suggest that some ancient, secret bio-radio commmunications systems exist amongst some sub-species of humanoids.
    Let's return to Nature and the evolution of sunlight.
    Let's look at some CLUES about Nature's photon and botany languages ....... ancient languages of various processes that we can partially understand in year 2013.
    A major CLUE was provided by Nature's undercover agents in Washington,DC,   the Pentagon, and the White House. ...... agents connected to the Carl Jung atomic/ electromagnetic collective unconsciousmess...the GROUP MIND of existential  enties and their expressions  ....... that rose to a surface level of display in Washington, DC activities  .....with the White House, etc.
    Remember, that humans and human institutions are subsets embedded within the mutli-faceted dimensions of Nature's Sartre existentialism. 
    Let's review the data signal.

    The Stained Blue Dress of Monica Lewinsky that Almost Lost a ...

    ... 1997, Monica Lewinsky told her confidant and supposed friend, Linda Tripp, ... from her administering oral sex to President Clinton in February of that year. 

    Lewinsky-Tripp Tapes . Clinton . WGBH American Experience | PBS

    ... between former White House intern Monica Lewinsky and Pentagon worker Linda Tripp. ... with Monica, who confided details of her affair with President Clinton.

    Linda Tripp - Where Are They Now: The Clinton Impeachment - TIME

    Jan 9, 2009 – Then: Tripp befriended Monica Lewinsky at the Pentagon's public affairs ... On the 10th anniversary of Bill Clinton's impeachment trial in the 

    Let's take the above  news data and   picture  and carefully translate it using NATURE's  special  PHOTON/ BOTANY language for serious human thinkers.  

    Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online

    the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by
    expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or 
    Let's list the many clues ...that you can use to build your own flowchart/ explanation of the message and Nature's communications  process.
     --> the picture of Linda Tripp shows  blonde hair....symbolic of  the SUN of the Solar System
    the WHITE House refers to the electromagnetic spectrum of visible white light ... consequently the indirect relationship to Linda Tripp blonde/Solar System  signal 
  • Visible spectrum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    White light is dispersed by a prism into the colors of the optical spectrum. The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to ...
  • Visible Light Waves

    Mar 27, 2007 – Visible light waves are the only electromagnetic waves we can see. We see these waves as the colors of the rainbow. ... When white light shines through a prism, the white light is broken apart into the colors of the visible light ...
    Proper noun ...Monica Lewinsky  and attorney Ken Starr ...both Nature's information pointers for the subliminal mind to consider .....sky, star ---> astronomy, Solar System  and the HUBBLE war on earth with university intellectual ERRORS.
     Monica Lewin + sky --> sky messages

    Ken Starr - Where Are They Now: The Clinton Impeachment - TIME

    Jan 9, 2009 – Then: A former federal judge under Ronald Reagan, Kenneth Starr served as United States Solicitor General and was at one time a leading ...

    The Hubble Wars: Astrophysics Meets Astropolitics in ... - Amazon.com

    www.amazon.com › ... › EngineeringAeronautical Engineering
    The Hubble Wars: Astrophysics Meets Astropolitics in the Two-Billion-Dollar Struggle over the Hubble Space Telescope, With a New Preface [Eric J. Chaisson] on ... designed to allow astronomers to look far back into our own cosmic past with ... 

    The Stained Blue Dress of Monica Lewinsky that Almost Lost a ...

    ... 1997, Monica Lewinsky told her confidant and supposed friend,Linda Tripp... from her administering oral sex to President Clinton in February of that year.  
    administering oral sex  
    administering oral sex 
    administering orbital sex --> reference to the universe and the birth of the Solar System orbitals of  9 planets  ......and the consequent evoution of Nature's  9 month pregnancy  message  system that gives  birth to  children that become university  and government research  astronomers.... who deny and distort eplanations of EARTH existences and Nature's systems. 
    Thus the EARTH orbital about the SUN  ...gives algbera subset symbols ............or....al.
    Thus the word -->  ORAL sex  with Base 16 computer science President at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue implies some data BIT.
    WORD--> ORAL --> OR _ _ _ AL  --> insert a solar system infomation data BIT --> orBITal  theory of the existence of the EARTH revolving arounf the SUN.  
    Galileo had the same problem with religious and political intellectual SNOBS  in year 1616 and thru 1640.  Nothing has changed. 
    Hence the CLINTON astronomy trial. 

    The Stained Blue Dress of Monica Lewinsky that Almost Lost a ...

    ... 1997, Monica Lewinsky told her confidant and supposed friend,Linda Tripp... from her administering oral sex to President Clinton in February of that year.  
    Reference to IBM BIG BLUE  -->   BLUE DRESS --> Blue computer address ..such as the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 ....base 16 geography computer address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
    We have President CLI (Clinton) --> BAL CLI instruction --> Basic Assembler Language CLI  = Compare Logical Immediate instruction  ....... Nature orders from CLI .....CLIMATE to CLINTON.
     White House intern Monica Lewinsky and Pentagon worker Linda Tripp... with Monica, who confided details of her affair with President Clinton
    ...White House (elctromagnetic spectrum)
    .... worker Linda Tripp .....Linda = lin + da = Line data Trip and and  the photon  traveling information systems in the CITY of veloCITY ...the symbols and equations  that travel at c= 186,000.
     .....Monica(harmonica  harmonic sound waves), who confided details of her (hertzinian) waves affair with President CLI = Compare Logicval Immediate bio-computer agent

    Lewinsky-Tripp Tapes . Clinton .

             sky-Trip             Cli -- Climate 

    ... between former White House (white spectrum as described by the prism  colors of Isaac Newton) 
    Thus we see some of the many CLUES.
    I lived  the Chicago area ..and was familiar  with the existence of FermiLAB in the Batavia and Wheaton area. 
    As a child I grew up on a farm in the 1950's  ...and thus was aware of  oats and wheat and yellow straw ..gotten during the trashing season on  July/ August.
    In 1997 ...with the television news and magazine picture of the Linda Tripp, Monica, etc......the information wa just another  piece of  to my minds  ..... and apparently my subconscious mind.
    Being an amateur science student ...I have a few basic college books on botany, physics, biochemistry, math .... that I  glance in lieu of watching movies and television.   Thus .... the things I learned and forgot in high school and ciollege ..... are now returing to my mind. 
    Thus I began to wonder .... one day.
    Why do  people that eat  oat, wheat,and rye bread in Northern Europe  ( Germnay, Poland, Russiam and Scandabavia countries) have blonde fair that is a facsimile of  golden cellulose straw.
    Now Nature have  some atomic /electromagnetic language and message systems  ..... that took the golden cellulose straw CONCEPT of BOTANY   and used it for some human gene design to produce blonde hair.
    The I ate some bread .......and later read ...algebra subset
    Thus if the only thing I ate in life was whole wheat (assuming it health nutrients) ..... then for all pratical purposes I would be a human extension of botany cellulose processes. 
    Thus eating bread --> gives food for thought -->
    ...learn to ......read Nature's signals and languages.
    Thus we have to consider the various LEVELS of the White House
    ...the physical building in Washington, DC   AND
     the symbolic building with the English language , the eye and the optical nerve sysmbolic processor.
    S.I. Hayakawa in book " Lamgauge in Thought and Action" clearly explains  how this works .... he gives examples and an outline of  the LIVING LANGUAGE.  It  may take a  few years  to understand  ...but the ideas are there.  Other authors and researchers provide similiar  concepts from various angles.
    Thus ink PEN writing instrument  ... the PEN military agent at the PENTAGON with military  identifier  

    --> Line data trip (Linda Tripp)  of photons from the SUN arrive in the SKY of EARTH   and  influence the CLIMATE ( CLI  mate/friend/ partner of CLINTON) ............
    Thus we see the Ken STARR  astronomy  legal equation for those Earthlings with  a  curious, functional brain.
    Thus Nature's very ancient language of the SUN  ......  the basis of INCA SUN Gods and  Japanese  SUN GOD representative and China with SUN YAT-sen(d).
    In yera 2013, we have new opportunities to understand our relationship with Nature ......and the photon/electron information flow  ...... the data BIT embedded within WORD:   or.BIT.al  ....that carries some  symbolic langauge with pictures.
    Thus the EARTH LANGUAGE of the
    WORLD  --> subset symbols WORD   + L --> Word Language of Nature and the Solar System ....long before 2-leggd 2-eared humanoids existed. 

    Posted by herbzinser at 12:43 PM EST
    Updated: Friday, 18 January 2013 4:20 PM EST
    Wednesday, 16 January 2013
    The periodic atomic table atomic antropology WAR with Janesville, Wisconsin



    The periodic atomic table of elements has many formats of expression.  One such FORMAT are atomic, bio-physics entities named HUMANOID  ...that exist on the atomic geography surface of EArth.


    Let's look at a modern Margaret  Mead atomic nuclear family message ....... the atomic social economic SIGNAL from  Janesville, Wisconsin.


    The message appeared in mass communications vehicles....that is television, radio, print, newspapers, etc.

    A more accurate description for science students .... atomic mass communications VIA  televsion, radio, and print.   Let's look at the message  and translate it.


    GM workers leave Janesville plant for last time ...


    Dec 23, 2008 – As the last SUV rolled off the General Motors production line here today, Karen ... (photo) gm janesville closes 3. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Workers crowd around the end of the Janesville General Motors assembly line and the last vehicle to be made at the plant Tuesday,
    Dec. 23, 2008
    , in Janesville, Wis. 


    Keywords and number CLUES--> 

    Dec. 23, 2008 












    The  periodic atomic table and Nature's  government had a  SALT molecule treaty (the Summit treaty) with Summit and Janesville, Wisconsin.

    The SALT molecule is known as sodium chloride. 

    salt (NaCl) (sodium chloride) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia


    NaCl mineral substance of great importance. The mineral form halite, or rock salt, is sometimes called common salt to distinguish it from a class of chemical ...


    NaCl - Sodium Chloride | Sigma-Aldrich

    www.sigmaaldrich.com › ... › Inorganic Salts, Solutions and Reagents

    Sigma-Aldrich offers a variety of sodium chloride and sodium chloride solutions to meet your research needs ---> the research needs of brains in Janesville  involve intellectual effort. 



    Keywords and number CLUES--> 

    Dec. 23, 2008 

    ............... 23 2 

    Isotopes of thorium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Standard atomic mass: 232
     Thirty radioisotopes have been characterized, with the most stable (after 232Th) being 230Th with a half-life of 75,380 ...

    Some notable isotopes - Table - Uses - Popular culture 




    216 × 288 - Element Symbol: Th Atomic Mass: 232





     Keywords and number CLUES--> 

    Dec. 23, 2008 

    .................23........8 --> 238 . 

    Isotopes of uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The average atomic mass of natural uranium is 238. Other isotopes such as uranium-232 have been produced in breeder reactors. Naturally ... 

     Alpha decay of a urnaium-238 nucleus

    Above, we see the factors involved  in  the Margaret Mead atomic social science problems.

    Signal 232  and signal 238  .......
    by super-symmetry bio-physics also refers to atomic nuclear family social science expressions.



    Let's look at the FermiLAB mirror for more CLUES about atomic messages about events on the atomic geography surface of EARTH . 


    In addition,  we see the FermiLAB periodic atomic table odered  closing of the General Motors plant near ferrous oxide IRON atomic  number 26 ...atomic HIGHWAY 26  in Janesville. 











     The EARTH geography IRON zone identifiers 

    --> Highway 26 -->  Janeville atomic number 26



    --> Illinois Highway 56 near Ferrous oxide atomic mass RD site FermiLAB.




    Thus we see the periodic atomic table  and the ROC = Region of Convergence for atomic signals.



    In addition, super-symmetry physics  in the symbolic world LINKS  automotive chrome parts  to the   Dec. 23 chromosomes of GM automotive workers.


    How to Chrome Plate: 8 steps - wikiHow

    www.wikihow.com › HomeCategoriesCars & Other Vehicles

    Chrome plating uses electrolysis to bind a thin plate of chromium onto an object, usually an easily corroded metal. Chromium is an element found in nature, but it ... 


    modern communications LINK ....

    Intersystem communication over SNA - IBM


    Oct 2, 2012 – ISC over SNA implements the IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA), which defines data formats and communication protocols for ... CICS uses ACF/SNA to establish, or bind, logical-unit-to-logical-unit (LU-LU) sessions ... 










    Thus we see Nature and the evolution of the  contents of the 11-dimensions of string theory ....to include many new types of existential entities....as needed by  TOE   = Theory of Eveything.


    The Janesville General Motors affair is a rich source of empirical data for theorists in Grand Unified Theory.

    Posted by herbzinser at 5:11 PM EST
    Updated: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 8:22 PM EST
    Monday, 14 January 2013
    Greenwich Mean Time, GMT, General Motors Time in Janesville, Wisconsin with IRON Highway 26 and the Antonov An-26 crash in BALAD,Iraq.


    Earth systems on the  geography surface of EARTH provide many clues on the workings of NATURE.

    COMPUTER EARTH system  370 provides a rough model of how the various sytems on EARTH surface interact .....using the NORTH POLE  magnetic field  and EARTH gravity field.


    A major RD  site  for  GM forces  ( Gravity and Magnetic field interaction with iron metal)  was the GM iron automobile factory in Janesville, Wisconsin near Highway 26.









    Working in a FACT Factory ...such as General Motors facts of life about  COMPUTER EARTH assemly line code  ..... requires the union, the city of Janesville and the state of Wisconsin  to work together and prepare basic science reports and social reports regarding the southeastern Wisconsin  bio-computer TASK region,etc.

    The ZERO reports explain nothing. 
    The fancy and elaborate clown and comedy reports from Wisconsin are lacking in intellectual depth.


    Let's look at Janesville HIGWAY 26 and  
    GM  .....a symbol  which stands for 3 interrelated entities.

    GM --> Gravity and Magnetic field interaction with ferrous oxide iron atom in automobiles and human blood.  

    GMT: Greenwich Mean Time - World Time / Time in every Time Zone

    Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). What time is it anywhere in the world? What is GMT? Complete guide to time and time zones; summer time and daylight-saving ...
    Janesville Assembly Plant is an automobile factory owned by General Motors located in Janesville, Wisconsin. Opened in 1919, it was the oldest operating GM ...



    General Motors assembly line ERROR   ...factory closed.

    Janesville GM Assembly Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    During GM's 2008 annual shareholder meeting on June 3, 2008, CEO Rick Wagoner announced that the Janesville assembly plan(t) would close by 2010 

    The Janesville, Wis., General Motors plant Paul Ryan mentioned in his speech Wednesday night closed on Dec. 23, 2008 – before President Barack Obama took office  



    IBM IO17636:

    Dec 20, 2012 –
    Closed as program error. Error description. Problem Description Error in ibmdi.log Assembly line config name could not be unbinded from ...
    Since the community of Janesville and the University of Wisconsin deny the facts of EARTH systems REALITY .... why ought the factory stay open?  The city of Janesville and the newspapers refuse to discuss the  IRON  issues involved.  

    The ferrous oxide IRON atom   with the 26 protons of IRON atom and their 26 English alphabet letters get no respect from  newspapers and school systems in the HIGHWAY 26 geography  region.  Violations of the laws of NATURE result in  project plan PLANT closings.
    Let's look at EARTH  BAL = Basic Assemnler Language signals. 

    2007 Bal Balad  aircraft crash


    The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. military base in Balad, Iraq.[3] The crash killed 34 people aboard and left one passenger critically injured. Officials claim the crash was caused by poor weather conditions, but other sources claim that this is a cover-up and the plane was actually shot down by a missile



    The aircraft was an Antonov An-26B-100, registration number ER-26068.[5] It made its first flight in 1981, and was powered by two Ivchenko AI-24VT engines.[5] An-26s are a twin-engined light turboprop transport aircraft


    The aircraft, which took off from Adana, Turkey,[6] at about 0400 GMT,[7] was owned by the Moldovan company AerianTur-M


    The plane crashed at 0700 GMT (0800 CET),[12] about 2.5 km (1.6 mi) away from Balad Air Base, the main hub of US military logistics in Iraq, while attempting to land 
    Let's look at the EARTH LANGUAGE signals using supersymmetry physics, parallels , and mirrors. 
    a) Balad Air Base, the main hub  -->  BAL main hub --> Basic Assembler Language main communciations hub in the Hubble(ton), Wisconsin ... astronomy special projects .... data processing region of soil / bASE 16 hexadecimal farm LAND = Local Area Network Data.
    b) The aircraft, which took off from Adana, Turkey,[6] at about 0400 GMT,[7] was owned by the Moldovan   ---------> 
    the KEY ......0400 --> 4 DNA nucleotides of the 4-H CLUB members  in the GMT = General Motors TEST region of Nature;s system MOLD / shape of NATURE.
    c) The plane crashed at 0700 GMT  ---> the plan crashed at 7 nitrogen atom used by bio-chemistry   GMT = Genetics Motors TEST with the Dick and JANE elementary school textbook in Janesville  region.
    The Janesville, Wis., General Motors plant Paul Ryan mentioned in his speech Wednesday night closed on Dec. 23, 2008 – before President Barack Obama took office  
    Hence, we see the Janeville school district TEXTBOOK errors with the  DICK and JANE elementary school  textbook used to teach the GM assembly line workers the English language.
    In the  Janesville community  ....in the  above picture ..we see the words:
    Janesville Assembly PLAN ---> PLAN / plot  ...to use the book of words DICK and Jane  to write a
    human  bio-computer program to manipulate and damage the human chromosomes. 
    Thus the December 23 signal in Janesville and the 23 chromsome student hostages in Marionette, Wisconsin with Nature's Darwinina selection of chromosome  defense WARRIOR Sam Hengel.

    The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 .

    Let's look at the Earth LAB atomic / astrophysics continuum  messages involving code JAN   and 26
    ---->   messages neglected by Janesville, Highway 26, ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26, Wisconsin.


    Stephen Hawking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA
     (born Jan 1942) is a British theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author. Among his significant scientific ...



     A Brief History of Time  ---> at GM Test site --> Janesville  GMT = Grenwitch Mean/nasty  Time  zone in Wisconsin .

     Janesville intellectual cowards compared  to 

    Jane's Fighting Ships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jane's Fighting Ships is an annual reference book (also published online, on CD and microfiche) of information on all the world's warships arranged by nation, ...
    Wisconsin symbolic warhips ...math array ,  matrices, and the linear algbera  in the Wisconsin  war zones.
    Thus we see the 2 components of  supersymmetry physics existentalism    ..... the physical dimemsions and the abstract  symbolic world. 
    For example ...let's look at Janevsille, WI  ....
    a) physical geography existence Janesville, WI
    b) abstract symbolic map agent: Jane .........WI   ... Jane WILDE Hawking associated with Stephen Hawking  ....the EARTH astrophysics warrior ..... known as the HAWK. 
     Janesville, Wisconsin and all Wisconsin universities deny the existence of these possibilities ...regarding Nature's sytems and EARTH LANGUAGE. Wisconsin citizens live in a myopic world. 
     The curious citizen interested in large scale systems .....now as some pieces to the social economic puzzle and the   DICK and JANE education  lesson for Janesville.

    Posted by herbzinser at 1:24 PM EST
    Updated: Monday, 14 January 2013 4:53 PM EST
    Sunday, 13 January 2013
    The Wisconsin BRAIN Hertzian electromagnetic wave war casualties, the SiKH Temple shooting, and the TRIAL of Armin Wand.


    The FCC electromagnetic attack upon then human brain electron circuits  has reached  new proportions in Wisconsin.  The attack has the approval of university and state officials, who believe that the large volume  of electromagnetic  radiation  is good for frying a  healthy brain. The university is a human subspecies of   people that were described by  the  RADIO  HEAD and TALKINH HEADS  music groups.

    The intense radition is put  forth by the wireless industry ...... cellular  phones, INTERNET,  and   television and radio industry.
















    The 1st major warning concerned the accidental murder of  the Future Farmers of America member  Matt Anderson of Wisconsin.
    Nature's signals  have been ignored ..thus the Anderson DEATH signal. Let's look at an outline of the message given by his brain DEATH.

    a) Nature has a  serious problem with  some features of --> 

    Cloud computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The name ...

    Cloud storage - Software as a service - Cloud computing security - Cloud database 

     b) government ignores NATURE  ...as engineers and coprorations receive government funding approve  the attack on the  human brain electron structure

    c) Nature takes a powerful  SYMBOL and proper noun in American physics .....

  • Cloud chamber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Cloud chambers played a prominent role in the experimental particle physics ... the Muon in 1936, both by Carl Anderson, (awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics in ...
  • Carl Anderson

    In 1932, Anderson, then a postdoc in the physics department, was photographing the track of a cosmic ray particle in a cloud chamber. The track had an unusual ...
  •  d) Nature takes a modern superysmmetry /parllle human specimen named ANDERSON  and puts his brain into a cloud  STATE of MIND ..... thus the cause of his accident ...caused by brain misjudgement  .....AND his role in NATURE's message processing systems


    FFA student leader Matt Anderson died Aug. 19

    Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

    Matthew Douglas Anderson, 21, an area native who was a leader in collegiate FFA in Wisconsin, died unexpectedly on August 19. His obituary follows:


    Anderson, Matthew Douglas, SAUK CITY.

    Matthew Douglas Anderson, age 21, died unexpectedly on Sunday, Aug. 19, 2007, following a farm accident

    The University of Wisconsin, the FFA. the farm industry, and the  state department of agriculture have no interest in the INTELLECTUAL details  of LIFE on EARTH.

    They will not help study this complex situation.



     The 2nd major electromagnetic BRAIN WAR signal occured in the Milwaukee region of Oak Creek.


    Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On August 5, 2012, a mass shooting took place at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, with a single gunman killing six people and wounding four others.



    Wisconsin  wave  Sikh temple 




    Wisconsin  wave  Sikh temple 

    Sikh --> si + kh --> Sin wave KHZ bio-radio 


    Radio frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Radio frequency (RF) is a rate of oscillation in the range of about 3 kHz to 300 GHz, which corresponds to the frequency of radio waves, and the alternating ...


    Electromagnetic Spectrum


    AM Radio Band. The Amplitude Modulated (AM) radio carrier frequencies are in the frequency range 535-1605 kHz. The frequencies 30-535 kHz are used for .. 


    Thus we see the Milwaukee WAR zone with Nature's Darwinian selected the messenger agent  Wade Michael Page  of the city of Cu = Cudahy .....representing  the 29 eletrons of Cu = Copper atomic electricity  and  the mass ethical  violations by Milwaukee area citizen  electricity users. 

     Nature periodic  atomic table    ....COP enforcement agent from  Cu  =Cudahy.












    The 3rd signaling EVENT ....

    Armin Wand, Jeremy Wand Set Fire To Kill Family: Wisconsin Cops


    Sep 11, 2012 – Armin Wand III has been charged with homicide after allegedly ... with his wife, Sharon Wand, their three sons and their daughter in Argyle, ... 

    Wis. brothers due in court on murder and arson charges

    Sep 12, 2012

    ARGYLE, WIS. - Two southern Wisconsin men are due in court Wednesday on murder and arson charges ... 



    Nature has asked  for ARG --> ARGONNE National Labs.
    The government FCC will not  allow scientists to study the situation. 

     Argonne National Laboratory

    Argonne National Laboratory outside Chicago is the first science and engineering research national laboratory in the United States, receiving this designation on July 1, 1946. It is the largest national laboratory by size and scope in the Midwest.
    The newspaper CODE report word
    ---> hert = hertzian  waves used in murder. 
    ---> Uncle --> Uncle SAM linked to deadly ebent ..symbolic of burning human brains with high volume satellite radiation ...so some stupid blabber mouth can talk nonsense.

    Hertzian waves - The Free Dictionary

    Hertz·i·an wave (hûrt s - n, h rt -). n. An electromagnetic wave, usually of radio frequency, produced by the oscillation of electricity in a conductor.
    Thus we see a serious problem. Perhaps, sonmeday ..someone in Wisconsin will take  the elctromagnetic BRAIN WARS seriously.  
    Meanwhile ... the  Alzheinmer's brain war victims continue ...as their adult sons and adult daughters  watch sports and eat pizza .   What do they care about the iNTELLECTUAL activity?  

    Posted by herbzinser at 11:13 PM EST
    Updated: Monday, 14 January 2013 12:43 AM EST

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