The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, magnetic field life, gravity field life, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.
The modern war of cities .... involving Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory of existence.
Chicago military components: IRON, field theory
soldiers, atomic mass information highway 56, magnetic field languages and life forms DEFEAT the Newton gravity life forms in New York City the Manhattan physics project battle of Sept 11, 2001.
The C.P.Snow 1959 lecture "Two Cultures" described 2 different major types of existence on planet EARTH.
The modern world is considered a symbolic machine: words, concepts, equation, flowcharts, chemistry formula, etc. Other types of conceptual / ideology machines exist: the music machine, the political machine, the Hollywood machine, the religion/ theology/ philoshpy machine,etc.
In contrast we have solid machines: mechanical machines, electric motors, hydraulic power tools, machine tools, farm tractors, iron railroad trains, iron ships, petroleum refineries,etc
Let's look at the protocol of war ...and see how these areas interconnect.
-- Symbolic machines ...English lanaguge dictionbaries, college science textbooks,etc.
-- Solid machines with gravity weight and ..those with iron.....magnetic field interaction.
The Two Cultures of existence and the system rules.
If the symbolic and intangible languages have an unresolved intellectual conflict ...then NATURE maps the intellectual WAR to physical reality to become a more visible WAR .......the display of physical, violent conflict is really NATURE's method of creating more data messages for the serious, thoughtful, world gestalt research analyst.
Let's look at the magnetic field battle with the gravity field.
How's does NATURE display such a conflict. It is not something obvious, like a professional boxing match broadcast on television.
Let's look at Nature's method ...the indirect method ...using the math theory of representation or the philosophy of agency.
Representation Theory in Mathematics and Physics - FIM - ETH Zürich
Agency (philosophy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chicago represents the magnetic field. Chicago's components will be described below
New York City represnts the gravity field of Isaac NEWTON --> New + Tons of the Two Towers.
In addition, the gravity field interacts with human atomic mass. The gravity algebra equation describes the math RATIO of this interaction with some groups of people in New York City.
Gravity ...algebra subset symbols
G..a...y --> thus 3 /7 ration .....gravity in the GAY people .....gravity experimental group.
Let's look at concepts and outline the situation ..with CHICAGO..
Earth - Earth's magnetic field
north poles -->Polish-American at Damen Avenue, North Avenue, Milwaukee Avenue with the Flat Iron
Earth's Magnetic Field
An atom of the element iron has an atomic number of 26 and an ...
Chicago Public Schools : Magnet
Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in CHICAGO, IL | Best High ...
Magnet High School ...... sting assessments .....
student body breakdown .......
social biochemistry analysis of the iNTERNAL thought system of the human body. Has the student's INTERNAL digestive systems READ the EXTERNAL publication known as the READER's DIGEST Magazine ...... a magazine about people and the the social activities of their digestive system mentality.
The "Humor in Uniform" is about the Army G.I. JOE
system of thought = G. I. Joe = Gastro Intestinal Job Order Entry ...of bio-computer humanoids.
Breakdown of IRON activity in student body
Metal Complex in the Blood
Hemoglobin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Former Chicago First Lady Maggie Daley dies at 68 - Chicago Tribune
Iron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maggie Daley Through The Years « Photo Galleries « CBS Chicago
Andrew Carnegie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Business magnate --> Bus + magn --> Data bus magnetic field science ........secret world.
Graduate students may wish to complete the incomplete outline I have below. Much work and thought remains.
Invisible Man - Wikipedia,
Ellison. It addresses many of the social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans early in the twentieth ...
Invisible Man - Wikipedia,
It addresses ------>
Department of Physics - University of Chicago
FermiLAB is near atomic mass information Highway 56.
bio-magnetic field migratory instinct by traveling to Illinois Highway 56 and FER --> Ferrous oxide hemoglobin life forms RD NEST. As they say, birds of feather stick together ...
and these thinking birds have their INSTINCT of desire equation inside their brain ..
8) now we the CAUSE and EFFECT relationship some magnetic field concept language.....yet to be fully undertood.
The COYOTE ART FAIR ...and the 1980 BUSY BEE restaurant .....key message about the EARTH government language,
North Pole magnetic field language,
iron atom social engineering langauges of Margaret Mead nuclear family,
etc ..key message about Nature's military orders .....
Chicago : The FLAT IRON Building ---> becomes the Flat iron of the World Trade center
...the Base 2 binary towers better known in sound / phonetics as the
..WORLD Traitor Center (Center of Mass)
400 × 266 - Photo of The Flatiron Building in Chicago, Illinois
Address: 1579 North Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL 60622
Address: 1579 North Pole Mil = Military venue, Chicago, IL 60622
Flat Iron Building (Chicago) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Flat Iron Building is located in the Wicker Park district of West Town,
Flat Iron Building is located in the Wicked district of West Road astrophysics WAR ...the commications bridge with cam.BRIDGE universities in Massachusetts and England.
Sears Tower, Chicago
Skydeck Chicago - Sears Tower
Chicago: the Sears Tower --> NYC, Manhattan ...the shears Towers .......
The sound, audio equivalence of the HARM component of Harmonic waves. ...
shear - definition of shear by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...
Shear | Define Shear at
Thus we see Manhattan intellectuals, corporations, etc .....involved in the WAR:
a) The GOLDEN Fleece award with Wisconsin Senator Proxmire and the theory of proximity switches
b) Pull the wool over my eyes
c) shear sheep --> shear the sheepskin diplomas of the TALL building and the sher the sheepskin ERRORS of Tallahasse ...violation of Paul Dirac physics and atomic anthropology projects at FSU ...especially the Kellum Hall atomic bio-physics awareness manipulation experiments with students in the 1960's.
Thus we see some pieces ot a puzzle.....some dimensions of REALITY that will explain the Sept 11 --> 11-dimensions battle of string theory physics AND the
M-theory battle --> Manhattan theory battle of Sept 11,2001.
Physics has a paradox ...a contradition.
They have M-theory and 11-dimesnions ...and then the EVENT in New York City is denied. It may have a may not.......but ignoring the question is unacceptable in year 2012. Univeristy and citizen/ government intellectual integrity needs to be upgraded.
And that starts at the individual LEVEL. You have an outline of a puzzle ... please improve upon it.
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