The 23Signal --> 23S --> 235 Isotopes Of Uranium's Margaret Mead Atomic Anthropology Expressions VIA Atomic Humanoid Output DISPLAY Devices.
The periodic atomic table has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic biology structures on EARTH LAB that Nature as assigned the identifier noun: humanoid.
Let's look at how uranium expresses itself.
1) the physical expression VIA the physics of nuclear bombs or the usage of uranium to generate electricity at nuclear power plants.
2) the symbolic power of uranium inside Nature's intellect and the usage of symbols, numbers, equations, alphabet letters to vratea symboolic machine thta represents the symbolic life of uranium and other elements of the atomic table.
President C --> Jimmy CARBON Carter went to the Naval to study his atomic military base under secret codes .......Admiral Trick RICK over G.over --> Government.
Hyman G. Rickover - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia ... Navy TRICK RICK Messages
Naval Service Of Jimmy Carter
Uranium-235 - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
General. Name, symbol, Uranium-235,235U ... Uranium-235 is an isotope of uranium making up about 0.72% of natural uranium. Unlike the predominantisotope uranium-238, it is fissile, i.e., it can sustain fission chain reaction. It is the only ...
The 23Signal --> 23S --> 235 isotopes of uranium's Margaret Mead atomic anthropology expressions VIA atomic humanoid output DISPLAY devices.
The graphic arts symbol shape has some equivalent approximations between alphabet sysmbols and number symbols.
number 2 --> capital letter Z ABD IBM base 2 system 370 Z/OS
number 8 --> capital alphabet symbol B --> Base 2 , Base 4 and Base 16 linking relationship with 8 data bits
number 5 fingers --> S --> Symbolic machine WAR with University of Wisconsin physics at puppet string theory high school performance at Marionette theater, Marinette, Wisconsin.
S = Symbolic machine
S = Signal device and signals
S = Sample space output messages VIA Nature's agent
S = Sam Hengel and the ouput messages identifier ...
data record output (outdoors with the Boy Scouts) for the
I/O port with data FIELD at geography location (Porterfield).
Motive Of Samuel Hengel, 15, In School Hostage Seige Remains ...
Porterfield was
Porterfield ..... Wisconsin EARTH SYSTEMS and the computer science lies, cover-ups and the murder of SAM Hengel.
Computer Port (Hardware) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Computer Input/Output Ports And Interfaces - NASA Glenn Explorer ...
Computer Input/Output Ports and Interfaces. 1. Terms and abbreviations: port an electrical connection using multiple wires to send data typically between a ...
Output Ports And Interfaces
OUT doors ( represnted by Boy Scouts)
Port --> Portersfield information systems WAR with human bio-computers and the Wisconsin state legislature and their
bio-computer assembly languages.
U-235 (Uranium-235) « DarkGovernment
Thus we have the Margaret Mead atomic social science signals.
University of Wisconsin and the Department of Energy and the world's electrical system with nuclear power generating plants ignore REAL atomic socila anthroplogy WAR data signals.
U-235 (Uranium-235) « Dark Government
Update Marinette High School Hostage Taker Samuel HengelDies ...
and 23 students hostage for five hours.
Isotope Data
For Uranium 235 In The Periodic Table
Thus we have the 23 signal ...... the decay chains of Wisconsin society and the decay of Wisconsin farms and business.
MIlwaukee 23 signal of the Milwaukee police undercover operation with
Signal 235 ---> translated to 23 Shooting --> translated to EARTH geography surface tragic signaling EVENT at Milwaukee geo-physics location ...... 2nd Street and 3rd street.
the well-known uranium 235 and 238 atomic religious mass numbers used by astrophysics scientists on SUNDAY when they think of the SUN in the solar system ..and the various nuclear procsses of Nature's religious energy systems.
Police Stake Out Gun Store On Lookout For Fe = Ferrous Oxide Atoms In Fe = Felon Formats, Straw Buyers
Gun In Shooting Of Officer Traced To Badger Guns
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