Earth geography Cancer disease, the outdoors, and Sam Hengel                   


Geography and geology students are very familiar with cancer.  

About Cancer Genes. You or someone that you know may be affected by cancer or the "enemy within." It is often asked what causes cancer and how does ...

Geography and geology students deal with the outdoors, the surface of the EARTH land, mountains, and oceans ...things that comprise REALITY. 
Many other people forget about that and live in a HOLLYWOOD make-belive version of reality...which is partially accurate. Those  people  give incomplete descriptions of reality .....thus the omission of important details from their analysis.  

Groups like the BOY SCOUTS, Future Farmers of America, and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture ..... while associated with NATURE and the outdoors are incapable of serious intellectual  discusssions about the multi-facted dimesnions of NATURE and Nature's many formats of expression.
Let's look at the geography cancer 
SIGNAL 23  of Wisconsin.


Nov 30, 2010 – A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself Monday night after holding a teacher and
23 classmates hostage, police said. ... The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam Hengel... Sam as someone who was "active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do, loved his ... 
In Marinette High School they teach  geography which covers the subliminal MIND and Nature's   EARTH military outdoor defense code 23 ...which also, includes the living EARTH cell and its 23 chromosomes pairs ....
in the case of the EARTH the EARTH pair has geography identifier 23.5 and 23.5.



Sep 4, 2011 – The Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn each lie at 23.5 ... TheTropic of Cancer is located at 23.5° North of the equator and runs ... 

Cancer is a disease of genes gone awry. Genes that control the orderly replication of cells become damaged, allowing the cell to reproduce without restraint and ... 
 Equator: Located at zero degrees latitude (North or South,) is 24,901.55 miles long and divides the Planet Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
 Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn: Located at 23.5 degrees North and 23.5 degrees South of the Equator, this area of Planet Earth (between those two lines) is known as the "Tropics," and is colored with alighter blue color on the globe. This area experiences no dramatic change in season because the sun is consistently high in the sky throughout the year.
People living North of the Tropic of Cancer and South of the Tropic of Capricorn experience dramatic seasonal climate changes, based on the earth's tilt, and the subsequent angle of the sun. When it's summer North of the Tropic of Cancer, it's winter South of the Tropic of Capricorn. (The reverse is also true).
Let's take a second  look at that. Let's review  the DATA of the tragic event of EARTH agent Sam Hengel.
In the context of the Computer EARTH Base 16 hexadecimal SCIENCE WAR casualty of FFA agent Matt Anderson  ...... let's look at the Sam Hengel DATA SIGNAL.

Nov 30, 2010 – Sam Hengel was from Porterfield...
in which he held 23 students and a teacher hostage at a Northeastern Wisconsin ...More: Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular. By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid. 
Thus he lived on Earth geography land...the geography computer area known as
Porterfield  --> Port + er + field --> I/O Port error (Boy Scout  special detector for EARTH outdoor errors) + data field.
In addition he was involved in the OUT data record region ...that that is the OUTPUT geography data region known as the OUTPUT   doors --> OUTdoors. 
Thus we see his EARTH mission parameters for the EARTH defense systems.....the earth early warning signal ....that his tragedy  sent to the world newspapers.
The signal 23 was ignored  by the University of Wisconsin geography departments,, the  biochemistry /genetics   departments, etc.   The university invents its own version of the explanation and its deeper LEVELS.  Hollywood and the university teach creative writing class 101 .....invent an explanation...use the HOLLYWOOD script --> blame Sam Hengel for everything. he is guilty  AND ignore all other obvious details of event signal 23 and the PORT of Poterfield.

Do computers exist on the  Madison campus?
Can they discuss these   possibilities?
Now,  how does the Input/Outport PORT  is identified by the town of Porterfield, Wisconsin help explain the relatinship between geography  violations by women and CANCER disease.
We has then geography description above.
 Equator: Located at zero degrees latitude (North or South,) is 24,901.55 miles long and divides the Planet Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
 Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn: Located at 23.5 degrees North and 23.5 degrees South of the Equator, this area of Planet Earth (between those two lines) is known as the"Tropics," and is colored with a lighter blue color on the globe. This area experiences no dramatic change in season because the sun is consistently high in the sky throughout the year.
People living North of the Tropic of Cancer and South of the Tropic of Capricorn experience dramatic seasonal climate changes, based on the earth's tilt, and the subsequent angle of the sun. When it's summer North of the Tropic of Cancer, it's winter South of the Tropic of Capricorn. (The reverse is also true).
 In EARTH  computer science terms with BAL = Basic Assembler Language we have a LINK to the human bio-computer and their geo-computer location..

 Equator --> implies Equate (assembler language instruction) :
 Tropics of Cancer  --> equate to a Topic of Cancer disease and help its creation ..such as BREAST Cancer. 


Thus we see factors ...that ought be considered in the theory of breast cancer disease.   We live on Planet EARTH  ....everything that exists on earth  ...may be a remote possible factor ...and ought be reviewed as a LINK.


People that have NO CLUE about the existence of geography and geology ...... have the arrogant opinion that the geography Tropic of Cancer has no bearing on the situation.  

The same arrogance prevailed when author Henry Miller's book on CANCER  warned the world about the disease that appeared 30 years latter.

The BOOK on Cancer was censored by those people whose subconscious  brains  accept CANCER disease as okay and  thus the argument with Henry Miller.

The cancer thoughts at the subconscious LEVEL of the human collective MIND ....those thoughts surfaced to the conscious LEVEL in Henry Miller for expresion in his warning BOOK on Cancer.


That was banned  ...just like the discussion of the geography Tropic  of Cancer is banned by the university MIND CONTROL system explained by books BRAVE NEW World and 1984.

Thus we see string theory physics performance of Marionette puppet Theater with the Darwinian geography selection of Marinette, Wisconsin as a DEMO of the powers of NATURE, string theory,
and bio-physics social forces. 


Thus we see pieces to a puzzle that we ought try to understand.e helpful tutorials. 

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