
Sunlight as the origin  of expression VIA botany language processes that are input to humanoid display entities.                       


We see the Darwinian evolution of sunlight and various concepts and processes of Nature they continue ....via their expressions into our symbolic society.

Let's look at some data signals that may help theorists explain this particular   system of Nature.


Humans are subsets embedded within the multi-faceted dimensions of Nature's Sartre existential expressions.

 Before humans,  Nature had various governmental levels OR organization levels OR system levels.

1) the periodic atomic table elements of life and thought
2) the atoms thought and their engineering thoughts built molecules 
3) molecules had engineering thoughts and built cellulose trees and  dinosaurs
4) eventually, some molecules thought they could build  a humanoid with a philosophical brain that understood this process


20th WCP: The Role of Love in the Thought of Kant and Kierkegaard
... According to Green, it was Kant who first explored the role of anxiety (Angst) in our experience of ethical guilt. Kierkegaard's insight was that Kant's philosophy ...

Existentialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Existentialist philosophers often stress the importance of Angst as signifying the absolute lack of any objective ground for action, a move that is often reduced to ...

Angst  --> messages about  sunlight and candle light ..... electromagnetic  wavelengths of light using as input data streams to the eye/ optical nerve / symbolic processor.
Angstroms  and the worry/anxiety of the brain photon processor over language misuse by citizens, schools, and governments

Wavelength of Visible Light
by Omkar Phatak - in 172 Google+ circles - More by Omkar Phatak
An 'Angstrom' is 10-10m. The wavelength of visible light starts from 3800 Angstrom and extends up to 7500 Angstrom. These are the wavelengths to which the 


Angst as signifying the absolute lack of any objective ground for action,
Angst as signifying the absolute lack of any objective ground for action,
Angst as signifying the absolute lack of any objective ground for action --> referring to electromagnetic life forms that occupy the human body.  These  EM bio-computer subroutines  exist in the electromagnetic field ...that is the city of symbols within the  velocity of light.

Velocity of noun, verbs, equations  .....of some people  that are NOT  "Down to EARTH people"   ......,but live in some Hollywood style frame of mind ...with only a partial understand of solid-state REALITY.

Thus music groups like RADIO HEAD, Talking Heads, and others suggest that some ancient, secret bio-radio communications systems exist among some sub-species of humanoids.
Let's return to Nature and the evolution of sunlight.
Let's look at some CLUES about Nature's photon and botany languages ....... ancient languages of various processes that we can partially understand in year 2013.
A major CLUE was provided by Nature's undercover agents in Washington,DC,   the Pentagon, and the White House. ...... agents connected to the Carl Jung atomic/ electromagnetic collective unconsciousness...the GROUP MIND of existential  entities and their expressions  ....... that rose to a surface level of display in Washington, DC activities  .....with the White House, etc.
Remember, that humans and human institutions are subsets embedded within the mutli-faceted dimensions of Nature's Sartre existentialism. 
Let's review the data signal.

The Stained Blue Dress of Monica Lewinsky that Almost Lost a ...
... 1997, Monica Lewinsky told her confidant and supposed friend,Linda Tripp... from her administering oral sex to PresidentClinton in February of that year. 

Lewinsky-Tripp Tapes . Clinton . WGBH American Experience | PBS
... between former White House intern Monica Lewinsky and Pentagon worker Linda Tripp... with Monica, who confided details of her affair with President Clinton.

Linda Tripp - Where Are They Now: The ClintonImpeachment - TIME,28804,1870544_1870543_1870553,
Jan 9, 2009 – Then: Tripp befriended Monica Lewinsky at the Pentagon's public affairs ... On the 10th anniversary of BillClinton's impeachment trial in the 

Let's take the above  news data and   picture  and carefully translate it using NATURE's  special  PHOTON/ BOTANY language for serious human thinkers.  

Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by 
expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or 
Let's list the many clues ...that you can use to build your own flowchart/ explanation of the message and Nature's communications  process.
 --> the picture of Linda Tripp shows  blonde hair....symbolic of  the SUN of the Solar System
the WHITE House refers to the electromagnetic spectrum of visible white light ... consequently the indirect relationship to Linda Tripp blonde/Solar System  signal 

Visible spectrum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White light is dispersed by a prism into the colors of the optical spectrum. The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to ...

Visible Light Waves
Mar 27, 2007 – Visible light waves are the only electromagnetic  waves we can see. We see these waves as the colors of the rainbow. ... When white light shines through a prism, the white light is broken apart into the colors of the visible light ...
Proper noun ...Monica Lewinsky  and attorney Ken Starr ...both Nature's information pointers for the subliminal mind to consider, star ---> astronomy, Solar System  and the HUBBLE war on earth with university intellectual ERRORS.
 Monica Lewin + sky --> sky messages

Ken Starr - Where Are They Now: The ClintonImpeachment - TIME,28804,1870544_1870543_1869954,
Jan 9, 2009 – Then: A former federal judge under Ronald Reagan, Kenneth Starr served as United States Solicitor General and was at one time a leading ...

The Hubble Wars: Astrophysics Meets Astropolitics in ... - › ... › Engineering › Aeronautical Engineering
The Hubble Wars: Astrophysics Meets Astropolitics in the Two-Billion-Dollar Struggle over the Hubble Space Telescope, With a New Preface [Eric J. Chaisson] on ... designed to allowastronomers to look far back into our own cosmic past with ... 

The Stained Blue Dress of Monica Lewinsky that Almost Lost a ...
... 1997, Monica Lewinsky told her confidant and supposed friend,Linda Tripp... from her administering oral sex to President Clinton in February of that year.  
administering oral sex  
administering oral sex 
administering orbital sex --> reference to the universe and the birth of the Solar System orbitals of  9 planets  ......and the consequent evolution of Nature's  9 month pregnancy  message  system that gives  birth to  children that become university  and government research  astronomers.... who deny and distort explanations of EARTH existences and Nature's systems. 
Thus the EARTH orbital about the SUN algebra subset symbols
Thus the word -->  ORAL sex  with Base 16 computer science President at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue implies some data BIT.
WORD--> ORAL --> OR _ _ _ AL  --> insert a solar system information data BIT --> orBITal  theory of the existence of the EARTH revolving around the SUN.  
Galileo had the same problem with religious and political intellectual SNOBS  in year 1616 and thru 1640.  Nothing has changed. 
Hence the CLINTON astronomy trial. 

The Stained Blue Dress of Monica Lewinsky that Almost Lost a ...
... 1997, Monica Lewinsky told her confidant and supposed friend,Linda Tripp... from her administering oral sex to President Clinton in February of that year.  
Reference to IBM BIG BLUE  -->   BLUE DRESS --> Blue computer address ..such as the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 ....base 16 geography computer address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
We have President CLI (Clinton) --> BAL CLI instruction --> Basic Assembler Language CLI  = Compare Logical Immediate instruction  ....... Nature orders from CLI .....CLIMATE to CLINTON.
 White House intern Monica Lewinsky and Pentagon worker Linda Tripp... with Monica, who confided details of her affair with President Clinton
...White House (electromagnetic spectrum)
.... worker Linda Tripp .....Linda = lin + da = Line data Trip and and  the photon  traveling information systems in the CITY of veloCITY ...the symbols and equations  that travel at c= 186,000.
 .....Monica(harmonica  harmonic sound waves), who confided details of her (hertzinian) waves affair with President CLI = Compare Logicval Immediate bio-computer agent

Lewinsky-Tripp Tapes . Clinton .

         sky-Trip             Cli -- Climate
... between former White House (white spectrum as described by the prism  colors of Isaac Newton) 
Thus we see some of the many CLUES.
I lived  the Chicago area ..and was familiar  with the existence of FermiLAB in the Batavia and Wheaton area. 
As a child I grew up on a farm in the 1950's  ...and thus was aware of  oats and wheat and yellow straw ..gotten during the trashing season on  July/ August.
In 1997 ...with the television news and magazine picture of the Linda Tripp, Monica, etc......the information was just another  piece of  to my minds  ..... and apparently my subconscious mind.
Being an amateur science student ...I have a few basic college books on botany, physics, biochemistry, math .... that I  glance in lieu of watching movies and television.   Thus .... the things I learned and forgot in high school and college ..... are now returning to my mind. 
Thus I began to wonder .... one day.
Why do  people that eat  oat, wheat,and rye bread in Northern Europe  ( Germany, Poland, Russian and Scandanavian countries) have blonde fair that is a facsimile of  golden cellulose straw.
Now Nature have  some atomic /electromagnetic language and message systems  ..... that took the golden cellulose straw CONCEPT of BOTANY   and used it for some human gene design to produce blonde hair.
The I ate some bread .......and later read ...algebra subset
Thus if the only thing I ate in life was whole wheat (assuming it health nutrients) ..... then for all practical purposes I would be a human extension of botany cellulose processes. 
Thus eating bread --> gives food for thought -->
...learn to Nature's signals and languages.
Thus we have to consider the various LEVELS of the White House 
...the physical building in Washington, DC   AND 
 the symbolic building with the English language , the eye and the optical nerve symbolic processor.
S.I. Hayakawa in book " Language in Thought and Action" clearly explains  how this works .... he gives examples and an outline of  the LIVING LANGUAGE.  It  may take a  few years  to understand  ...but the ideas are there.  Other authors and researchers provide similar  concepts from various angles.
Thus ink PEN writing instrument  ... the PEN military agent at the PENTAGON with military  identifier  

--> Line data trip (Linda Tripp)  of photons from the SUN arrive in the SKY of EARTH   and  influence the CLIMATE ( CLI  mate/friend/ partner of CLINTON) ............
Thus we see the Ken STARR  astronomy  legal equation for those Earthlings with  a  curious, functional brain.
Thus Nature's very ancient language of the SUN  ......  the basis of INCA SUN Gods and  Japanese  SUN GOD representative and China with SUN YAT-sen(d).
In year 2013, we have new opportunities to understand our relationship with Nature ......and the photon/electron information flow  ...... the data BIT embedded within WORD:  ....that carries some  symbolic language with pictures.
Thus the EARTH LANGUAGE of the 
WORLD  --> subset symbols WORD   + L --> Word Language of Nature and the Solar System ....long before 2-legged 2-eared humanoids existed. 

Photon -->Photo + syntax + thesis of instruction --> photosynthesis

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