The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, gravity field life, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.

The 2007 Balad  Crash in Iraq --> BAL bio-computer system crash signal                 




Computer Earth system 370 status report on the BAL program tragedy in IRAQ.
BAL = Basic Assembler Language  used for:

1)  copper-wire computers use  BAL, Cobol, Fortran , etc for applications programming  

2)  human bio-computers gather together in the state government   legislature/ state assembly of  humanoid processors  ...... that write  state government assembly  programs  and  behavioral instructions  for the passive,  submissive citizen bio-computer brain   ...for the citizen BRAVE NEW WORLD project plan.

3) EARTH geography BAL processing regions such as BALTIC region, Balkans, city of Baltimore, Bali in Indonesia,

4) the more recent versions of geography BAL locations such as the COMPUTER SCIENCE military base....... that is the  BAL geography BASE registers   BALAD, Iraq.



2007 Balad aircraft crash - Wikipedia, t

The Balad  aircraft crash  was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. ...

More Images of the Balad AN-26 Crash - Entropic Memes

 Mar 31, 2008 – ... the first images of the Balad AN-26  crash2 of a civil turboprob airliner near Balad, ... Keep in mind that large portions of the plane - and, one presumes, ...

Watch 2007 Balad Aircraft Crash Video

The  BALAD crash  was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while at...


What  is being addition to the details of the tragic event.

1)  BAL = Basic  Assembler Language ...... used in various type of existence...from copper wire computer to human brain bio-computers.  What key-words are written help us SEE the  deeper levels of reality ....the 11-dimensions of string theory physics of our daily lives.


--> Watch 2007  ---> implies  Watch/ TIME / wrist watch ......WATCH year 2000 anf the bio-logical clock  Y2K  upgrade needed  by  Nature's  brain bio-computer.  Year 2007  inplies BASE 2....... the double-helix is considered a base 2 system with 2 strands.



The strands of DNA run anti-parallel, or in opposite directions: the 5’ end of one strand is paired with the 3’ end of the other. This is illustrated in the figure below.undefined



Thus we see a SIGNAL from the BAL crash ...the plane at BALAD in year 2007.
This SIGNAL was ignored by the University of Texas, AUSTIN and their friends. Consequently the
bio-computer DNA signal was repeated using Joe Stack and his age 53  as a DNA 5 --> 3 signal........ the orders of NATURE and the Darwinian selection process created a SUPERSYMMETRY signal to the United States atomic biochemistry DNA computer systems.


What is the supersymmetry structure predicted by modern Margaret Mead nuclear family expressions .....atomic social anthropology events and conflict signals.


Thus we have to compare to EVENTS.
What is the 2nd event involving DNA expressions VIA human messenger behavior ......such as accidents or crime ..... events that the attract attention, are printed in newspapers, thus the DNA broadcast system ...... a crime./ accident will have the maximum likelihood of NEWS distribution ...thus maximizing the possibility that some alert reseacher will be curious enought to figure out the SIGNAL and the related PUZZLE.


The 2nd EVENT --->

Joe Stack flew his plane into the IRS building in Austin - Here ...

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Feb 18, 2010 – Joseph Stack, the man said to have crashed his plane into an IRS office building in ...Horrendous events today in Austin, the state capital of Texas, where a man flew a ... The plane belonged to Joseph Andrew Stack, a 53-year-old software engineer, who left
Plane crashes into North Austin building ... The plane was registered to a software engineer identified as Andrew Joseph Stack III, 53.

Pilot (Joe Stack) Crashes Plane into Austin, TX Building in ...
The strands of DNA run anti-parallel, or in opposite directions:
the 5’ end of one strand is paired with the 3’
DNA numbers 5 paired with 3 ---> give age 53 SIGNAL
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Feb 19, 2010 – 53 year old Joseph Stack, an software engineer who crashed his single engine Piper Cherokee plane into the federal office building that ...

Pilot (Joseph Stack) Crashes Plane into Austin, TX Building in ...

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Feb 19, 2010 – 53 year old Joe (JOb order entry for bio-computers ) Stack, an software engineer who crashed his single symbolic engine DATA Pipeline error) Piper Cherokee plan into the Hex'Fe' = 254 Federal office building that ...

Pilot (Stack) Crashes Plane into Austin, TX Building in ...
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Feb 19, 2010 – 53 year old Joseph Stack, an software engineer

Stack machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
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