D.H. Law = Double Helix Law
D.H. Lawrence ... a literary agent for Nature's DNA symbolic brain bio-computer hexadecimal projects. World War 2 explained,
D. H. Lawrence | |
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Born | David Herbert Lawrence 11 September 1885 Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England |
Died | 2 March 1930 (aged 44) Vence, France |
Occupation | Novelist |
Nationality | British |
Period | 1907–1930 |
Studies of DNA and its influence up EVENTS in society ....indicates that some accidents, some crimes, and some WARS or terrorist ATTACKS are really expressions of DNA anger.
We are composed of atoms.
Atoms make biochemistry molecules, DNA structures, proteins, etc.
Human have thoughts.
Therefore the origin of thoughts originate at the foundation level--> the ATOMIC level or at higher level ..the biochemistry level or at a higher level.
For example, the INTERNAL government in the body has thoughts. The INTERNAL digestive system has people that represent those thoughts and brings the internal thoughts forth into EXTERNAL display format for all to see ...that is the cellulose magazine printed with black ink symbols named the READERS DIGEST magazine.
The stories inside the magazine are about the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP of food people and their daily activities and unusual happening. They have section on humor in
the ARMY = ARM muscles + Y-chromosome messages. G.I.JOE = Gastro-Intestinal Job Order Entry military system exists to protect all the restaurants,, fast food outlets, and grocery stores for the American public eating pleasure ...... that is while American soldiers in IRAN and Afghanistan eat rations on the battlefield. This contrast RATIO increases the pleasure and happiness of the American eating public ..... whose major intellectual achievement revolves around the daily food cycle.
Let's look at the DH = Double Helix messenger D.H. Lawrence.
He is composed of 4 DNA nucleotides ....and thus was an output writer of DNA social science thoughts.
DNA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA -Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules are informational molecules encoding the genetic instructions used in ...
Let's look at some subtle DNA signals ...... and look at the information pathway ..that Nature is providing.
----> CLUE 1
D.H.Lawrence signal ...aged 44 --> suggests some possible 4 DNA signal .
Died 2
Died | 2 March 1930 (aged 44) Vence, France |
---> CLUE ....DNA English alphabet
The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:
Letter ---> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P
Location--->1. . . . . 4 . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . .12 . . . . . . .16.
IBM copper-wire computer use Base 2 binary systems and related Base 16 hexadecimal.
Let's look at the DNA bio-computer evolution ..let's assume it is a BASE 4 system ..BASED upon the 4 DNA nucleotides. Above....we look at the alphabet...and notice the increments of 4 ...and that makes some sense in DNA algebra equations ...
that 4 DNA + 4 DNA = 8 ..some 8 data bit DNA computer byte.
Now the word ...the symbolic life word:
C has 16 symbols ....suggesting that Base 16 hexadecimal is important to Nature's design.
Letter ---> D e o x y r i b o n u c l e i c
Address ---> 1 .. .3....5....7....9...11.....13...15..16 implies Base 16 DNA data processing
D.H.Lawrence ...... perhaps some messages on Nature's biochemistry data processing systems evolution ...
symbols D. H. L ......next signal, symbol P = Processing GOAL (some project milestone of Nature)
location..4..8..12..........next in sequence 16.
Now this was year 1930 ...and computational and theories existed...but all very new and experimental.
The theories became more solid after WORLD WAR 2 ...then around year 1947/ 1949 some experiments and early models of copper-wire devices came into existence.
Meanwhile, Nature's version of biology computers continued its parallel / super-symmetry physics and biophysics pathway. With D. H. Lawrence Publications ...Nature achieved a new hybrid system model ..... thus .....the project symbols D. H L ...........P with the computer number pattern
.......................4 8 12 16 --> Base 16 of the 16 letters of word word ..
Deoxyribonucleic ...now can now LINK to the LUNG and its oxygen atomic computer with atomic mass 16.
---> taking number 2 and number 44 ....
we leap ahead to World War 2 and year 1944 (aged DNA code 44) ...and perceive it as a DNA WAR at some subliminal mind LEVEL ..and that level of DNA conflict rises up to the surface LEVEL of expression VIA DNA agents.. humans ...and the humans act out the DNA social conflict instructions.
This processes was outlined around year 1600
Shakespeare - All the world's a stage - Similar
William Shakespeare - All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7) ... And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; ...
Thus we have the theater ....the THEATER OF WAR with the WORLD as a stage ...... the theatrical play known as WORLD WAR 2 between year 1939 and 1945.
WHO is the director of this play?
WHO or what process or system or concept of NATURE . . .i the director . . .and what is the audience supposed to learn?
Year 1939 --> atomic director 19 electron of K --> thinK --> K = potassium atom ..atomic mass 39.
Potassium is a very important ingredient in biochemistry processes . . . ..and in levels of metabolism systems ... thus
we see ...a very angry biochemistry message .... that surfaced to EXTERNAL visible display as WORLD WAR 2
The symbol K ...thinK ....war was repeated in K representative geography area KOREA in 1950. Nature selected K =Korea for its symbolic meaning ...hoping that someone between year 1950 and year 2012 would awaken and acknowledge the possible significance of the K ..potassium war.
D-Day - June 6, 1944 - the United States Army
The U.S. Army remembers June 6, 1944: The World War II D-Day invasion of Normandy, France.Normandy landings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The landings commenced on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 (D-Day), beginning at 6:30 am British Double Summer Time (GMT+2). In planning, as for most Allied ...
Now, let's look the 4 signal ....of the 4 DNA nucleotides ...and their conflict ...their message.
1st we have D-DAY ...with symbols DD ...a bio-computer message (using computer textbooks not available in year 1944. Thus in year 2102 we have the advantage of looking back ....and reviewing the EVENTS in the context of the year 2102 symbolic tools and concepts).
Search Results
JCL statements: What does the DD statement do? - IBM notice
Data definition (DD) statements define the data sets that a program or ... run the program that you specify on a JCL EXEC statement, z/OS has to search for and ...What is JCL? - IBM notice
You use job control language (JCL) to convey this information to z/OS through a set ... Each DD (data definition) statement links a data set or other I/O device or ...
Okay...4 DNA nucleotides give us signal ...
age 44 death of D.H.Lawrence .........year 1930 + add 14 atomic mass years for NITROGEN Bases gives
year 1944 death of soldiers of D-Day or D.H.Law Day --> Double Helix Laws errors cause war.
What are the possible DNA bio-math signals of number 44.
a) 44 implies 4 + 4 = 8 data bits
b) 44 implies base 4 with exponent 4 giving 256.
Let's look at the exponent range
Base 4 exponent 1 = 4 DNA nucleotides in some early stage of math evolution
Base 4 exponent 2 = 16 and spell the Base 16 letters of the word ---> Deoxyribonucleic
Base 4 exponent 3 = 64 codon combinations ....
ALSO, bio-computer DOUBLE-WORD 64 = 32 + 32 = oxygen molecule 32 + oxygen molecule 32 ..thus suggesting molecular computer with information word thought exchange LINKS of 32.
D. H. Lawrence's existence thus implied NATURE's signal DH = DOUBLE-word Hexadecimal Language ....and this we see expressed in 1930 with the author D.H.Lawrence...... and expressed again in year 1944 with
bio-computer D-Day ..for DD = DATA Definition.
age 44 and year 1944.... the critical signal ..the equation of WORLD WAR 2.
Base 4 exponent 4 = 256 ......and its additional iinterpretation at the gestalt symbolic level .
Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/symbolismthe art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or ...
number 256 VISIBLE as 2 + 56 --> World War 2 with atomic mass IRON 56
..................................2 IRON symbols of World WAR 2 ..the IRON CROSS and the iRON Curtain
The living EARTH cell .... had major battles of the WAR in the RH region of blood facts ...that on the EARTH geography surface was represented by the B1ooD in the geography region the
RHINE River.
Thus EXTERNAL --> RHINE RIVER geography and factories ...the geo-physics super-symmetery bio-physics ....
INTERNAL biology conflict ..RH blood vessel rivers with Rh factors .
Thus the key words: RH & RHINE.....river & blood flow ....... Factories & factors
Thus NATURE's mirror....INTERNAL DNA thought conflicts can cause EXTERNAL displays of conflict...that are data information events MADE available to thinkers by NATURE ...to help them understand and then solve the social engineering problems.
An - 26 --> Atomic number 26
Iron atomic mass ..rounded is integer 56
What is the year 2012 status of base 16 HEX number 256 expressed as 2 + 56.?
In the Chicago region ...we have 2 versions of geography highways #56 that also represent atomic mass 56 information highways.
1) Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic awareness RD site FER= FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois with Highway 56 nearby.
2) University of Chicago with E. 56th Street and the IRON theorists of the physics department..
In addition, we have 2 IRON symbols:
1) the IRON LADY..Prime Minister of the periodic atomic table element IRON = Margaret Thatcher for the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..atomic political science department.
2) IRON MAN --> Hollywood movies, comics, and music
Thus we see CLUES to an interesting social biochemistry map.
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