G = gravity number of earth life
G = 6.6 x 10 exponent - SKU.11
The 6th month, 6th day of 1944.
The human GOVERNMENT controls human thoughts and perceptions about the gravity field and its
amazing self-awareness properties ......especially about the existence of gravity on EARTH and how it flows into the brain and interacts with MASS ...that is atomic MASS (weight ) and religious MASS (zero weight).
Since, the year 2000 ERROR in the Manhattan physics project ...which resulted in the gravity exponent battle of integer number 11 on SEPT 11, 2001 in Manhattan . . . . . . . Nature's systems have had doubts about the comprehension abilities of Columbia University, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Princeton, CALTECH, Cambridge University and others. But they have enormous bragging abilities.
Gravitational constant
Nature has taken major steps in explaining the SCIENCE WARS to the world . . . . . . as
NEW.....ISAAC NEWTON --> NEW + TON --> NEW (York City) + TONs of IRON skyscrapers are engaged in a gravity field /iron mass interaction battle .....which includes the
COL --> Columns + LU = bio-computer LOGICAL UNIT composed of human LU = LUNG.
An example of such an existential structure is the finite school....Columbia...... a human subset institution embedded within the vast physical and symbolic architectural structure of NATURE.
IVORY TOWERS (word phrase for the heights of symbol knowledge (words, math equations, formula) .....such as defined by the living LANGUAGE of ENGLISH ......
...... who cares not to understand the tragic message of
mathematical-physics ....... social process control systems and the FEEDBACK error signal .. of the
super-symmetry EVENTS in the Manhattan message processing region.... parallel concept equations:
mechanical Force = mass X acceleration of gravity
mechanical Force = m a .......... abbreviated symbols from a basic physics textbook
NYC social Forces = Manhattan ... nature's gravity equations for the city G = Gravity government
......................... = Man + ha + att + an --> concepts
Man --> human bio-physics MAN living within a gravity field and the North /South Pole magnetic field
ha --> habitable space /time --> ha --> stephen hawking gravity --> habitat of gravity on surface of EARTH
att --> Einsteins; data processing DATA FIELD theory of COMPUTER EARTH system 370 field attributes
TWO Towers --> I-BEAM iron BASE 2 computer science with NATURE's biochemistry structures....the iron Hemoglobin protein BRAIN agents..... of EARTH and the periodic atomic table
I-BEAM subset human DATA BUS ---> BUSINESS organization with the identifier intials
I..B...M ....the copper-wire computer engineers THAT ought understand that NATURE bio-engineered their body and their bio-computer BRAIN ...and they ought recognize the FACTS of the year 2012 world-wide
Base 16 HEX computer wars and acknowledge existence.
COL --> Columns + LU = bio-computer LOGICAL UNIT composed of human LU = LUNG ....an example of the architecture of Nature.... is the finite school....Columbia......
Gravitational constant
The gravitational constant denoted by letter G, is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation(s) of gravitational force between two bodies
In many secondary school texts, the dimensions of G are derived from force in order to assist student comprehension:
Thus the gravity equation and BRAIN gravity conflicts were transformed into the 1944 physical battle with the gravity description parameters:
G --> Great Britain decides that battle of 6.6 ought occur
6.6 ---> 6 month (June) and the 6th Day ....male soldiers 6 feet tall will die ..... to go 6 feet under
N m --> Nor + man --> Normandy bio-physics battle
D-Day - June 6, 1944 - the United States Army
Normandy landings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What bloody events from World War 2, June 4 . 1944 have been repeated to
EARTH civilizations
Gabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mark Kelly (astronaut) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Gabby" Giffords (born June 8, 1970)
"Gabby" Giffords " ...January 8, 2011 shooting near Tucson
"Gabby" Giffords " ...January 8, 2011 shooting near Tucson
"Gabby" Giffords " ...January 8, 2011 shooting --> G bio-physics WAR message to space/time
..................................... January 8, 1942, in Oxford,
......................................January 8, 2011 region of Route 66 Arizona ....gravity shooting
Stephen William Hawking Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia ...
G un ....... a device that makes loud noise ... for example 18 people in Tuscon heard ought have heard the sound of the gun and bullets ..bang bang.
Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Others Shot at Arizona Safeway ...
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