Many experiments are performed on humans. Individual experiments and group experiments are popular; and have citizen / government approval. Let's look at an experiment and the vast scope of its influence.
The University of Wisconsin, Madison Base 16 hexadecimal
bio-computer processor comprised of 16,000 human brains.
Base 16 hexadecimal systems exist in several formats:
a) the copper-wire computers that have existed since 1950 and by 1970/ 1980 reached a high level of sophistication with such copper electron systems as the iBM 370 with OS/JCL SNA VTAM.
b) the biological brain computer system has been around for thousands of years. Now, universities and governments with citizen approval ......are trying to bio-program college students. Older adults feel that their wisdom and their philosophy errors will be lost; unless the 20 year old generation is PROGRAMMED to follow in their absolute perfect footsteps.
How is this done? It is done by using and manipulating the English language symbolic processor inside the brain. Many English words ACT as commands the eye and ear INPUT devices.
Take a group of college graduates with a BACHELOR's degree. What is the secret word: Bachelor's degree?
Bachelor --> Bach + el + or ---> Batch electron orders other words ...
a batch of bio-computer students with behavior /thought programs ..... that are processed in a FASHION similar to copper wire computer technology. Thus we look at copper-wire computers as a possible MIRROR about ourselves.
Batch processing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is a batch job? - Knowledge Base
What is batch processing? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia ...
Running Parallel Applications Interactively and as Batch Jobs ...
Parallel Computing ....
For Faculty and Staff: : University of Wisconsin–Madison
Above, we see the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness ...the GROUP MIND of 16.000 human brain bio-computers.
What is hexadecimal numbering system?
If the hexadecimal number you are converting is less than 16, then you can simply use the following hex to decimal conversion chart:
Base 16 : | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Base 10: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Thus...we see above, that the BIG TEN universities ...are decimal system univeristies.
In addition, they exist in Herman Weyl tensor space and time on the surface of Earth.
Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Computer Sciences - University of Wisconsin-Madison
IBM OS/JCL: JOB and EXEC Statements
Although punched cards are rarely seen today, batch-oriented job control languages ... OS/JCL. This chapter and Chapter 12 introduce traditional IBM job control ..... The final EXEC statement's program name
Job Control Language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Job Control Language
Jobs, steps and procedures UW-Madison
Jobs at UW-Madison
Jobs at UW-Madison | Employment and jobs at the University of ...
16,000 people
16,000 people
16,000 people
16,000 people in nearly all types of occupations. Employment categories include instruction, research, ...
The IEBCOPY utility: Copy libraries (partitioned data sets) - IBM notice
University of Wisconsin - Madison Libraries
libraries (partitioned data sets) - IBM notice
Computer Earth system 370 considers the surface of data fields ...thus the university campus geography like partitioned data set ....with buildings as members of that geography space/time PDS.
libraries (partitioned data sets) - IBM notice
Select Library
Data set (IBM mainframe) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Faculty members are members of the bio-computer system .....partitioned data set.
Incredible Images
Tenzin Gyatso receives the Nobel Peace Prize - XTimeline
Tenzin Gyatso receives the Nobel Peace Prize - XTimeline
Tenzin Gyatso receives the Nobel Peace Prize - XTimeline
Tenzin = Ten + Zin --> Big TEN univeristy + Zinjan Skull project
Gyatso = Gya + TSO .....see TSO program below
Starting Debug Tool for batch or TSO programs
Submitting a batch job - IBM notice
Thus Nature sent the TENZIN Gya.TSO to try to fix the bio-computer problems at the University Campus in Madison. The university failed to LINK to the ZINJAN skull agent for the Mary and L.S.B Leakey project ......with the water LEAK KEY signal of Water100, Watertown, and Whitewater Wisconsin.
Tenzin Gya + tso receives Nobel
bio-computer TSO = brain TIME SHARING OPTIONS with UW faculty brain sharing ......with the secret societies of brain manipulators
2700 × 1800 - Caption: Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, asks a question
Abstract for IP System Administrator's Commands - IBM notice
554 × 400 - Caption: Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet (center), ...
Above astronomy signal--> Keck, Watertown, Wisconsin and Hubble(ton) special projects
How to directly invoke SuperC and search-for - IBM notice
IMS Command Control Facility - Batch processing overview
Above, the bio-IMS command routing to UTOEYA for the batch job EXECUTION of a batch of children.
The Europe bio-computer computer database with logically deleted bio-child data records ...the ERROR being the physical deletion of the bio-child IMS data records.
The Wisconsin Base 16 hexadecimal tragedies are well-known and well-documented.
1) The accidential murder of Base 16 hex'FF' = 255 = High-Values America agent Matt Anderson.
FFA = FF + A = High-Values America
2) The hexadecimal Highway 16 murder region of Gloria Totzke her son ....the bio-computer system representative MDT = Modiified Data Tag ---> MDT = Mark D. Totzke.
3) the murder of Jake Gerard in Computer Earth ATLAS computer address space of S. 16th Steet Milwaukee.
He was killed by ... LU = Logical Unit = Lugo.
Man, 19, faces reckless homicide charge
4) In Waukesha, Ted Oswald was responsible for the bio-computer system WAR casualty .....the murder
of bio-computer POLICE agent ..that is Police Captain LU = Logical Unit --> LUTZ.
Thus we see actual data. actual events ....and a more accurate description
of the deeper levels of CAUSE and EFFECT.
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