The Contra WARS continue over the Contradiction and Stephen Hawking paradox
Let's review some math problems and then cover the 7-11 store signal from Killeen, Texas .... the mathematics bio-chemistry message of Nidal Hasan.
Mathematical Sciences | U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
God Created the Integers: The Mathematical ... - Google Books
odd integer 7 --> seven says it is even
odd integer 11 --> eleven says it is even
The Integer WAR CLUE ....
Authorities Seek Info on Alleged Ft. Hood Shooter - US - CBN News ...
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood
Other signals involved in the Theory of Everything tragic signaling EVENT --->
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood = minus 4 --> -4 message to the 4-H Club of America regarding farm math and science awareness issues and problems.
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood
a 7-11 store near Fort Hood --> -4 Fort H --> 4 H --> 4 Hydrogen atoms of methane molecule and the organic chemistry --> social chemistry continuum wars of Nature.
Let's look at other CLUES about math conflicts and math SYMBOL MACHINE systems
The Chicken-Hawk paradox of Stephen Hawking
with the integer contradictions of 7 and 11.
After the Science Wars: Science and the Study of Science 
What are the “Science Wars - Tripod 
Principia Mathematica (PM) and its PM Time Machine
Principia Mathematica: (V. 3) (1910-13): Alfred North Whitehead ... Could it be true that Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica is the most influential book written in the 20th century? Ask any mathematician or ...
The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics, written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913.
PM, as it is often abbreviated, was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proven.
Thus the mathematics of Principia Mathematica, the SYMBOL MACHINE, Stephen Hawking and the God Integers, and the Alan Turing machine concepts were used to build the PM TIME MACHINE based on ......
Greenwich Neighborhoods (math neighborhoods on the EARTHL surface)
Greenwich Downtown
Greenwich, CT Greenwich is located in Fairfield County, Connecticut, approximately 38 minute by train from Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. The town is named after Greenwich, a borough of London.
Let's look at the above description ...... what is Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE telling us about the other dimensions of 11-dimensional string theory physics, geo-physics, bio-physics, math, communications theory. etc.
Keyword concept CLUES:
1) geography state of Connecticut --> super-syymmetry subet word --> Connect .. LINK ... pathway ....
2) Greenwich --> LINK to the ROPE subset word of euROPE and --> Greenwich TIME
Greenwich Mean Time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greenwich_Mean_Time Wikipedia Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) originally referred to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, which later became adopted as a global ... Royal Observatory, Greenwich - British Summer Time - 24-hour watch
3) Fairfield --> subset word -->_Field --> implies data field --> implies Greenwich mean time data fields of Computer Earth system 370 ... as predicted by Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory.
4) 38 minutes--> the 38th parallel to year 1952 Korean war
5) 38 minutes --> LINK to uranium 238 and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family
6) Grand Central Station --> Grand Unified Theory and its Central Processing Unit .... symbol processor
Above, the atomic clock is approaching the carbon 12 signal --> 12 PM --> 12 PM --> Principia Mathematica code.
From the INTERNET we get the basic defintion:
12 noon is the BEGINNING of PM, so it is 12 pm = noon.
12 am is midnight (which is the beginning of AM).
Hope this helps!
Now, let's consider deeper levels of reality ...
12 noon is the BEGINNING of PM--> Principia Matheamtica logic and philosophy
12 am is midnight (which is the beginning of AM --> Atomic Mass ocde ...thus 12 AM = carbon 12 Atomic Mass).
Therefore ...
The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics --> extension to TIME Machine project started by H.G.Wells.,
Thus we think that
1 PM --> Volume 1 of Principia Mathematica
2 PM--> Volume 2
3 PM --> Voume 3
7 PM
11 PM --> Link to the EARTH warehouse of ideas/ concepts/ equations/ flow charts ....
LINK to warehouse SKU 11 (Stock Keeping Unit 11) ... that is you ..humanoid bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR ... a product / an object within EARTH warehouse with a SKU11.
12 Am
Thus we see the integers and their connection to PM --> Principia Mathematica.
Hawking tells us ....
However, if we do discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason--for then we would know the mind of God.” ― Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time
God Created the Integers: The Mathematical ... - Google Books › Mathematics › History & Philosophy Bestselling author and physicist Stephen Hawking explores the "masterpieces" of mathematics, 25 landmarks spanning 2500 years and representing the work of ...
Notice the secret words ---> 25 landmarks spanning 2500 years
25 refers to the Right triangle --> 3 exponent 2 + 4 exponent 2 = 25
25 --> biology --> words ... bio + log y --> logarithms clue .... 25, 250, 2500 .. with
hexadecimal Base 16 HEX'fa' = 250 --> signal for the fa --> faculty group of oxygen atomic mass 16 life formats
25 land --> Loacal area network data of triangle space/time ..that is ..... the mathematical-physics geography surface of COMPUTER EARTH and the TIME Machine project started in 1897.
What other features does the (Principia Mathematica) PM Time Machine have ?
7 PM 8 9 10 11 PM --> Link to the EARTH warehouse of ideas/ concepts/ equations/ flow charts .... LINK to warehouse SKU 11 (Stock Keeping Unit 11) ... that is you ..humanoid bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR ... a product / an object within EARTH warehouse with a SKU11.
We need to use the Stephen Hawking paradox , the no hair theorm, LINKED to Principia Mathematica and the featherless bipeds code (the no feathers theorem of Russsell and Whitehead).
No-hair theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia The no-hair theorem postulates that all black hole solutions of the .... Stephen Hawking's purported solution to the black hole unitarity paradox, first reported in ... Example - Changing the reference frame - Four-dimensional space-time
and super-symmetry SYMBOL MACHINE physics language predicts a parallel may exist .....
No-feathers theorem of Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead ... and Bertrand ... University of Michigan Lib... Thus " is a man" is formally equivalent to "2 is a featherless biped"; "' is an even prime" is formally equivalent to " is identical with 2." A function of a function is ...
Let's look at the integers that Hawking writes about ....
odd integer 7 --> seven
odd integer 11 --> eleven
We have a contradiction ..... integers that have the property of being odd and even.
Thus we see the
Stephen Hawking contradiction .....
the co-existence of a paradox in one existential entity.
This duality and its strange secrets have been mentioned before ...
--> Schrodinger and the cat in a box with 2 states of quantum existence
---> A Tale of Two Cities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
What are the 2 cities?
---> A Tale of IBM base 2 .... Two Cities ?
---> Paris --> subset alphabet letter code --> Par + is ---> Parallel information systems
---> the French Revolution ..... representing the Solar System conflicts of the EARTH geography land of France and its yearly orbital REVOLUTION around the SUN
---> The French revolution ... an atomic, bio-physics human activity that is an EXTERNAL display of the INTERNAL atomic social science conflicts of the periodic atomic table and its Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .... 18 families in the atomic table of elements of life and thought --> those atomic thoughts rise up to a level of visible expression VIA human display devices ..such as the French REVOLUTION.
Atomic Revolution: Electron Orbital Model Based on The Vector ... Atomic Revolution: Electron Orbital Model Based on The Vector Equilibrium or. A Classical View of the Atom as a Tensegrity Structure. Edward Suzuki Hoerdt ...
French Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Find the frequency of revolution of an electron? - Yahoo Answers 3, 2010 - The electron has energy of 100 eV. So its KE is 0.5mv² = 100 eV...(i) where m = 9.109 × 10^(-31) kg is the electron mass, and v is its speed 1 eV = 1.6 ...
Thus we see the
Stephen Hawking contradiction ..... is related to math wars .....
Thus we see the SYMBOL MACHINE with math concepts, physics models of reality, etc ...... may have
problems that need to be intellectually resolved ......
the failure of myopic thinkers to communicate
with others .... causes NATURE's INTELLECT systems
to take the SYMBOL conflicts and transform them to a visible EXTERNAL displays on the geography surface of EARTH using humanoid information display devices.
Stephen Hawking contradiction and the University of Cambridge intellectual world of symbols, ideas, concepts, social engineering models, brain engineering policies, and other good or confused ideas,
...... the ERRORS of thought .... the CONTRA.dictions got transformed from the Cambridge dimension of existence ...... got mapped to the physical biology and physical geography expression area ...
Contra Cross : Nicaragua, El Salvador, Central America, Insurgency 
Nicaraguan Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

through the Central American civil wars in El Salvado
through the Central American civil wars in El Salvado
through the Central Nervous System 370 bio-computer war ..... American civil wars in El Salvador --> el = elmentary physics and Salvador the Spanish artist / messenger with .....
Below the particle physics message with the calculus CLUE---> integration by parts
The Bush Family, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler --> SYMBOL MACHINE using words drug commands to the brain computer ... smug, arrogant, snob, superior 25, 2013 - Reed was involved in Oliver North CIA Contra operations (math contradictions and math operations research) and Bush was ...... "The end of my career with the DEA took place in El Salvador.Contras - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia to the National Security Archive, Oliver North had been in contact ... in El Salvador, while it accused Nicaragua of actively supporting armed groups ...Wikipedia
Thus we see that the Fort Hood TRIAL of Major Nidal Hasan omitted many factors that played a role in the tragic signaling EVENT.
The University of Texas in Austin ought pay attention to math integrity systems and the English language WORD of HONOR.
Thus college students have an opportunity to bring a sense of STANDARDS and HONOR back to the educational system .
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