The 1959 C.P.Snow lecture on "Two Cultures" allowed Nature to perform some social experiments on EARTH LAB using human lab specimens. Think of the world as a Darwinian laboratory ..with the evolution to symbolic process control systems and evolution of thought. Let's look at some of Nature's experiments ...that may involve you ...... as a member of a LAB GROUP...such as a city, company, or the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness GROUP and the GROUP MIND.
The C. P. SNOW social science experiments. The year 2012 EARTH LAB preliminary test results.
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Two Cultures is the title of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems..
The talk was delivered 7 May 1959 in the Senate House, Cambridge, and subsequently published as The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. The lecture and book expanded upon an article by Snow published in the New Statesman of 6 October 1956, also entitled The Two Cultures. Published in book form, Snow's lecture was widely read and discussed on both sides of the Atlantic, leading him to write a 1963 follow-up, The Two Cultures: And a Second Look: An Expanded Version of The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution.
In 2008, The Times Literary Supplement included The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution in its list of the 100 books that most influenced Western public discourse since the Second World War.]
the 100 books that most
the 100 books that most
the 100 books that ...... the alpha/numeric Base 16 hexadecimal chemist and his B +100 + Data --> the BlooD and its internal symbolic thoughts get expressed in the external world of published books ,,,via CHEMIST and his symbolic CHEMISTRY system.
Herbert Spencer in year 1872 Principles of Biology outlined the message procesing systems of NATURE as displayed by the efforts of C.P.Snow.
Herbert Spencer
C. P. Snow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The message of 2 ..number 2 ..even math integer ....
The ignored SIGNAL..
The 1959 lecture ....."TWO CULTURES" and other, similar messages
Galielo book " TWO Chief World Systems"
Charles Dickens " Tale of 2 Cities".
Watson & Cricket " The Double Helix"
Watson and IBM " Base 2 Binary"
J.R.R. Tolkein book " TWO Towers"
Sept 11, 2001 tragedy " TWO Towers"
Let's look at some of Nature's social engineering LAB experiments involving many people.
-----------> city of Dublin --> Du + BLIND --> Double Blind statistical experiments in IRELAND and the America IRISH groups .... Boston, New York City, and Chicago.
-----------> the C.P. SNOW political science and financial system TEST under the 400 year LAB experiment rules outlines by William Shakespeare " The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
Thus we have the C.P. SNOW theater in Washington, DC with REAL humans (actors) who do not realize REAl SITUATION .... because it is never discussed in the news OR it is a well kept secret of some secret society.
Thus Nature's theater process ...with Darwinian selection of the C.P.SNOW groups of players....
Congress President Snow, Secretary of Treasury.
John W. Snow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Celestial Railroad by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hawthorne—The Celestial Railroad (Harper's Magazine)
Flavour Physics and CP Violation
Dec 17, 2011 – Special attention is given to the experimental evidences of CP violation and their important role in our understanding of flavour dynamics.
CP violation (physics) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
CP Violation in B meson decay: FAQ - Physics
CP violation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Physics - A new source of CP violation?
Aug 16, 2010 – Searches for new sources of CP violation are a staple of high-energy physics; a recent result presents an effect that could be a sign of new ...
Congressman Petri | Representing Wisconsin's 6th District
C...........................P.......| Representing Wisconsin's 6th District
CP bio-physics....Petri dish (societal) culture
Representing Wisconsin's 6th District
Representing CP Snow.... science "Two Cultures" theory ...and application to society ...with empirical social science data from United States.
Petri dish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An Update on C. P. Snow's "Two Cultures": Scientific American
Congressman Tom Petri | Representing Wisconsin's 6th District
Congressman ATom Petri | Representing Wisconsin's 6th District
C..................... ATom Petr | Representing Carbon 6th District
Carbon ATom Petroleum Representing Wisconsin's 6th District
Carbon atom. Diagram of a carbon atom.
The Organic Chemistry Laboratory Web Pages - UW Madison
Tom Petri | |
![]() | |
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Wisconsin's 6th district | |
Incumbent | |
Assumed office April 3, 1979 |
Search Results
Theoretical Chemistry Institute | UW Madison - Department of ... +1'd this publicly. UndoThe Theoretical Chemistry Institute (TCI) is part of the Physical Chemistry Division at the UW-Madison and comprises the department's theoretical chemists.
The two cult....... the spectrum of societies cults..
Social science Faculty = Fa + CULT + Y
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
as Science Revolution ---> becomes the Science Wars ..the status of the world in year 2012.
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