The C.P.Snow 1959 lecture "Two Cultures" described 2 different major types of existence on planet EARTH. The modern world is considered a symbolic machine: words, concepts, equation, flowcharts, chemistry formula, etc. Other types of conceptual machines exist: the music machine, the political machine, the Hollywood machine, the religion/ theology/ philoshpy machine,etc.
In contrast we solid mechanical machines, electric motors, hydraulic power, etc ......used by civilization and industry: machine tools, farm tractors, iron railroads, iron ships, petroleum refineries,etc
Let's look at the protocol of war ...and see how these areas interconnect.
The Two Cultures of existence and the system rules.
If the symbolic and intangible languages have an unresolved intellectual conflict ...then NATURE maps the intellectual WAR to physical reality to become a more visible WAR .......the display of physical, violent conflict is really NATURE's method of creating more data messages for the serious, thoughtful, world gestalt research analyst.
Let's look at some wars .......physical wars and how they provide data and insight to the symbolic wars in the world. The atomic/ astrophysics continuum on EARTH helps explain the situation.
The continiuum is comprised of 2 major parts.
1) physical reality such as atoms and their expressions ..such as physical solid objects. Physical reality has existed for billions of years ...and atomic bio-physics trees and dinosaurs existed millions of year ago. The physical relaity existed ...but optical symbols for the eye and music instruments for the ear ...did not exist we known it today.
2) the evolution of symbols and writing began a few thousand years ago ...eye/ retina / optical nerve symbolic computing. Thus the begining of the EYE people.
As a parallel evolution ....the EAR people with music and instruments and the Mouth people with TALK continued their various projects.
However, recently the eye/ optical nerve/ and symbolic life of words and equation ...has finally succeeded getting on par with the EAR / Mouth people.
Let's look at some conflicts involving 2 sides..Two Cultures.
1939 --> 19 electrons and POTASSIUM atomic mass 39 ..start of the atomic anthrology war.
................later year 1958 .....TASS news agency in Russia with Premier K.
1940 -1945 --> World War 2 --- base 2 binary systems war over new technology
1944 --> D-DAY --> subset symbols 4 D --> the 4 DNA nucleotide battles as symbolized by the water tides of the English Channel.
1940- 1945 ---> The French resistance with EARTH geology/ geography electron systems.
keywords of electricity:
resistance --> French resistance
copper --> the English book David Copper.field also a science book
Voltage --> Voltaire French history
patent laws --> General Patton and the phonetic sound equivalent to inventions/ patents.
MOS --> metal oxide semiconductor PARALLEL bio-electronics city of MOS.COW
1950 North Korean and South Korea ...symbol K = Potassium ..the molcular cell biology wars of the INTERNAL human metabolism systems ( difficult to see the internal biolgy war) ..hence, NATURE transformed the internal conflict to an EXTERNAL conflict on the geography surface of EARTH ...Nature's demo for all researchers to view and explain. Accurate explanations are still waiting in year 2012.
1950..1952 Koean war .
Alphabet symbols for newspaper editors and reporters ..
INK --> spells the battle of INCHON, North Korea
Black Ink ...symbolized by the BLACK cotton clothing uniforms of Chinese people ...whose military support was involved in the INCHON Battle.
1950- 952 ....INCHon ---> Inch ..Foot ...Yard ,,,,theory of weights and measures and t Nature's battle with human group violations of the balance laws of Nature. The BATTLE of WEIGHTs and Measures continued with Vietnam
johnson and gulf of tonkin.gif
400 × 319 - LBJ signing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Map of Vietnam
a) President LBJ --> LB = Pounds of Justice ....
and also involved the poetry of EZRA POUND and the attacks upon his thoughts and message.
His.....POUND message was ignored and arrogant people said he was sick. No, his subliminal MIND sensed a problem and he expressed the problem as best he could ....with the partial information that he could figure out.
Thus the battle of TON.....weights 2000 POUNDS of EZRA or 2240 POUNDS of EZRA
Gulf of Tonkin Incident: 1964
Gulf of Tonkin Incident: 1964
Gulf of Tonkin Incident: 1964 + 36 LBJ = year 2000 Pounds....TON of Justice
Gulf of Tonkin Incident: 1964 +276 LBJ = Long Ton = 2240 pounds
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (United States [1964]) -- Britannica Online ...
FAQ: What is the difference between the long ton, short ton, and ...
Long ton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The university, corporation, and citizen / government oceanography TESTS, weigths and measures test, and awareness TEST of basic concepts ....... gravity / mass and weight .
Long ton ---> symbol L as in Lyndon from the TEXAS educational system
salt water with a density of 64 lb/ft3 -----> year 19 64 ...... TEST for Ross Perot and all the retired NAVAL personnel in TEXAS and the United States ...that includes:
Geography States of soil / land on geology EARTH in NOrth America region.
States of MIND
Markov probability transition states
Linear control system STATES
Em = EM.otional states of feelings about out bio-Electro.Magnetic field life
Quantum states ...such as the Quark model = Qua + Arkansas .....physics President Clinton
Thus we see the sequence of consistent message ERRORS
-> EZRA POUND and the weight of BIASED, arrogant thoughts that attacked his thoughts
--> LBJ + TONKIN ---> LB (pounds abbreviated) + TON
--> Timothy McVeigh(t) --> V8 --> Weight vectors with 8 data bits ..of the geology/ gravity computer system that we LIVE within. Humans live on EARTH ....that is EARTH LAB ...and we are subets embedded in a gravity thought DATA FIELD and a magnetic thought DATA FIELD ......both interact with the thoughts in our brain. Has your brain passed the symbolic content qulaity control test of Nature.?
--> President Clinton = Cli + n + ton
665 × 722 - Brass Scales of Justice on a desk showing Depth-
Thus Nature is trying to communicate with the superior citizen THINKERS of the United States. Citizens and their elite and arrogant attitude problems ........ create many knowledge errors...errors caused by citizen failure to study basic math and science text.
The Two Cultures
The Two Cultures is the title of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.
Lady Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
640 × 1104 - Remember the blindfolded lady of justice?
Thus far ...examples of the TWO Culture involve humans, geography countries, gravity,etc.
1) World War 2 ....... the battle over the ENGLISH language WORD of HONOR and the INTERNAL eye/ optical nerve ....photon symbolic the bio-communications ENGLISH language channels inside the brain processor. The the salt water ENGLISH channel and the salt water of the North Sea ...physical geology and physical geography maps of World War events .......are POINTERS ---> to the eye/ optical data stream with the symbolic messages
North SEA ---> NORTH Pole magnetic field SEE ...optics and bio-magnetic optics ......the ability of Santa Claus of the NORTH Pole magnetic field to SEE/ be aware of the iron HEMOGLOBIN protein people and their BAL bio-computer BALONEY social science and family stories.
Part of the Hierarchy Problem of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ...are the atomic social anthropology awareness problems in the Office of Science, DARPA, MIT, UC, Stanford, Washington, DC...etc.
The mathematical physics BALONEY concept equation require 2 parts:
1) BAL = Nature's Basic Assembler Language specuial agent authorized under Einstein' s data processing DATA FIELD theory ..HERBAL ---> Herb + BAL.
2) ONE --> the sum of the Fermi-Dirac probability ....the odds of life = ONE .......such as human specimen at FermILAB with Nature's concept proper noun of ODD + ONE.
The other examples of geography expressions of TWO CULTURES:
---> North and South Korea
---> North and South Vietnam
---> North and South Dakota, USA
---> North and South Carolina, USA
--> East and West Pakistan ......explaining the architecture and structure of the modern periodic atomic table ........
Pakistan --> PA + ki + STAN --> Particles + ki + Standard model physics ...which OMITS such details as:
...................... Standard model physics, geo-physics, bio-physics and 1943 Salvador Dali geopolitical .....
........AfghaniSTAN war ZONE...physical war over the iNTELLECTUAL WAR with universities
............,.PakiSTAN problems express STANDARD Model ommissions in atomic anthroplogy.
Thus we see the HIERARCHY PROBLEM American soldiers die in year 2012.... so the University of Wisconsin, University of Chicago , Princeton, MIT ...can bragg ... ..that soldiers fight and die to protect their bragging ERRORS and their BALONEY social science explanations of events and happenings.
In addition, Pakistan relates to the social sciences, symbols, and BRAND NAME advertising.
Pakistan ---> Packed decimal number ERRORS in the bio-computer brains of the Green Bay football team fans
Pakistan ---> a 6-pack of beer or soda water beverage
Thus we see that atomic bio-physics humanoids ought resepect the atomic English language of 26 letters of 26 protons of iron / ferrous oxide. FermILAB represents the FEDERAL government on ferrous oxide HEME group Fe(ii) ion B100D policy ...... and the Fe(ii) --> Fe( TWO iron TOWERS) battle of the Manhattan project ....1942/1943 to the IRON MAN battle of SEPT 11, 2001 .
IRON MAN --> IRON Towers, MAN = Manhattan with Alan Sokal and the SCIENCE WARS debate.
The debate involved the symbolic life of Arch DUKE Ferdinand of year 1914 represented by DUKE University...who ought try someday to understand ...that DUKE intellectual dribble and DUKE basketball dribble are an example of Nature's supersymmetry experiments.
Unfortunately, their violation of the iron B100D communication laws of the Arch DUKE continues to be a problem in year 2012 ........that is the
Arch Duke Fe of the periodic atomic table of life and expressions
Arch --> Nature's system architecture
Fe= Ferous oxide atomic element and its thoughts via IRON proteins ..etc.
---> East and West Germany ...message for the Physics Leader Merkel of Germany
Germany --> G
G = universal gravitational constant thought region
G ---> the partition of gravity into EAST and WEST components with some vector direction
small letter g points to the west
small letter q points to the east
The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:
Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Minuscule forms (also called lowercase or small letters) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |
Above the gravity grammer alphabet ...from: g,h,i thru n,o,p,q ........thus the letters act like book-ends in library.
Thus we see an EARTH language, a gravity language, a magnteic field language ... they all interact with humans and daily life. We ought try to understand life.
--> The West Road in Europe at Cambridge (EAST astrophysics THEORY) and
......the WEST Road in Wisconsin near Hubble(ton) (WEST astrophysics Applications).
Thus we see the evolution of Eric Berne TA = Transactional Analysis self-help psychology ...
to Numeric Berne version of TA = Theory and Applications
Thus we have some CLUES and examples of the C.P.SNOW .....TWO Cultures lecture of 1959.
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