C.P. Snow 1959 lecture " TWO CULTURES' was an expression about the symbolic evolution of DNA into 2 or more pathways .......and HUMANS are required by NATURE to maintain symbolic and physical communication LINKS and communication BRIDGES amongst the various paths, social systems, and information structures. This is not happening .... as individual citizens, universities, and trust foundations fail in their responsibilities to help accurately explain REALITY and EVENTS.
Thus we have the modern Margaret Mead nuclear family conflicts in atomic social anthropology and atomic political science. The intellectual conflict with the Queen Of England. German physics leader Merkel, and other world leaders is known as the Hierarchy Problem of the periodic atomioc table of elements of life. The atomic life elements of expression is VIA larger structures in a B.F.Skinner box format ....... that is B.F.SKIN bio-physics agents at the BF location --> Batavia, FermiLAB
Their SKIN structures ...abstractly speaking .... encloses a package of atomsand molecules ...thus a container with a protective skin. Supersymmetry physics claims this is similar to the packing industry that uses plastic films ..shrink wrap ....to contain some mechanical tool, some object such as found in a retail grocery store or a automotive parts store.
In 1959, the Double-Helix molecules of C.P. Snow give a DNA lecture on Base 2 DNA humanoid cultures.
D.H. Law = Double Helix law and various expressions.
D.H. Law = D.H.Lawrence and DNA books about society
D.H. Law books banned by the Supreme Court members
composed on non-DNA life forms that use the human biology host platform for parasite bio-computer policy.
Let's look at part of Nature's message processing system.
William Shakespeare stated this around year 1600
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
Thus the question becomes...who is the director. The director has several equivalent proper noun labels: GOD, universal mind, Nature, Mother Earth, etc.
In this report...we shall consider that NATURE is the director ..speciifically DNA.
We are composed of DNA.
Our physical biology .... biochemsitry processes involve DNA.
Our thoughts and ideas about the social sciences and politics must involve with DNA;
unless, you are an air head, music head, mouth/ ear head , or an EM = Electromagnetic life form that is represented by bio-physics EMBASSY officials in Washinbgton, DC. None of thsoe groups have any serious concepts of solids, solid thinking, or the intellectual weight of molcular cell biology research and applications to the social sciences, theology, and political science.
Yet, the same groups of people CLAIM to know "How the World Works".
DNA structure
......start with a diagram of the whole structure, and then take it apart to see how it all fits together. The diagram shows a tiny bit of a DNA double helix.
Above, is a physical biologgy DH expression/ representation of the DH = Double Helix.
Below, is a symbolic word DH expression of the DNA English language ...DNA social dictionary words
D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Lawrence | |
![]() | |
Born | David Herbert Lawrence (1885-09-11)11 September 1885 Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England |
Died | 2 March 1930(1930-03-02) (aged 44) Vence, France |
Occupation | Novelist |
David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct.
Lawrence's opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life
D. H. Lawrence
Double Helix social law policy trials by arrogant life forms
A heavily censored abridgement of Lady Chatterley's Lover was published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf in 1928. This edition was posthumously re-issued in paperback in America both by Signet Books and by Penguin Books in 1946[citation needed]. When the full unexpurgated edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover was published by Penguin Books in Britain in 1960, the trial of Penguin under the Obscene Publications Act of 1959 became a major public event and a test of the new obscenity law. The 1959 act (introduced by Roy Jenkins) had made it possible for publishers to escape conviction if they could show that a work was of literary merit.
D. H. Lawrence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
D. H. Law --> Double Helix life forms banned by the United States government .......citizen air heads and university clown groups rule intellectual policy decisions about what exists and what does not exist.
NPR.org » Publishing Pioneer Barney Rosset Dies At 89
Book Censorship -
Book ...............hip ..leg...ankles ...nylon stockings ....leg legislative thoughts
U.S. Constitution ...
U.S. Con ....
US Legal System -
US Leg... System for the bedroom housing industry
... Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls, and D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover. ... Beginning in the 1950s, a series of U.S. Supreme Court cases helped ...
300 × 300 - Double Helix
Below, the copper wire computer network ...parallel TRAP
Thus we see the C.P.SNOW message.
The Two Cultures
The Two Cultures is the title of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.
two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities
two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities
Below..the 2 paths of DNA expression evolution
a) science such as biochemistry
b) DNA social science bedroom LIES and the TRUTH of D.H.Law of Lawrence.
Above picture .....we see the WORD Axis ....
and we see the TRUE NATURE of World War Two and the Two strands battle it out in EUROPE with the Axis Powers. Government funded education systems like to continue to tell falsehoods about HISTORY.
The FALSEHOODS shooting battle occured with VIRGIN Tech biochemistry major HASAN
and F..........HOOD --> Fort HOOD Texas and the DNA message processing region ..signals for the University of Texas and their Pentagon and DARPA friends.
The Two Cultures
The Two Strands of expression ....
and amount of BS = Baloney Stories printed in newspapers and magazines by college educated writers. Universities do not object to misuse of language........ symbolic garbage manpulation of the brain symbolic bio-computer processor is okay.
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The Two Cultures is the title of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.
Below, we see a list DNA descriptions and terms..
Some DNA biochemistry descriptions also expressed themselves ............in social biochemistry problems and brain engineering problems ......and their tragic EVENT signals ignored.
Strand Invasion of Mixed-Sequence, Double-Helical B-DNA by γ ...
Structure-Based Discovery of Ligands Targeted to the RNA Double ...
Sep 23, 1997 – Biochemistry , 1997, 36 (38), pp 11402–11407 ... binding specificity for the RNA double helix through application of the DOCK program [Kuntz, ...
Base-Stacking and Base-Pairing Contributions to Helix Stability ...
256. Biochemistry 1983, 22, 256-263. Base-Stacking and Base-Pairing Contributions to Helix Stability: Thermodynamics of Double-Helix Formation with CCGG, ...
a) 1982 base 16 Hex'FA' -->250 Falkland IS.lands ..IS = Information Systems war
Their universities refuse to help explain the situation ...as they LIE and decieve the British military soldiers that die ....... or citizens and students can bragg and tell more fantastic Hollywood style stories..
Thus we see the DNA English alphabet sysmbols ...the DNA symbolic machine
named : D H P
location: 4 8 16 ...position in the alphabet ...gives the bio-computer numbers:
4 = 1/2 byte
8 data bits = 1 byte
Base 16 hexadecimal processing of DNA thoughts and DNA social policy messages.......that the Queen of England and the thousands of professors at her dispoal ...refuse to help clarify.
Thus the societal messages from Nature are ignored as the British and Europeam countries party, dance and sing..
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) forms chains of genetic material organized.
word ---> D e o x y r i b o n u c l e i c --> Base 16 symbols create the processor
.................1......3... 5...7. .9....11 13 15 16.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) forms chains of genetic material organized OR another expression format-> DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) forms MOVIE theater chains of Gene Hackman material organized
It's an interesting world.