In year 1959 the DNA thought molecules within biological structure C.P.SNOW decided to express their internal thoughts in EXTERNAL format in the lecture " TWO Cultures". The audience was composed of DNA structures in humanoid format.......who later gave the appearance of understanding the lecture.The failure to fix the social engineering anf brain engineering problems has resulted in a series of tragedies
C.P.SNOW and the 'Two Cultures of DNA' 'lecture.
D.H Laws = Double-helix laws of biochemistry
D.H Lawrence and Lady Chat Rooms Lover
D.H Law violations over chatting on cell phones.
Molecular Cell biology WAR with Cell phone nonsense.
The D.H. Legal systems of Nature is roputinely violated by citizens and the FCC = Federal Communication Commission. Human governments and human institutions are not superior to Nature's intellect;
Universities are supposed to moniter the quality control standards of society and its various groups: citizen communities, education systems, government policies, etc.
The result of university ERRORS of judgement and policy ERRORS has resulted in a major biochemistry war ...with humans as expressors of the tragic drama.
William Shakespeare stated this around year 1600
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
Thus the question becomes...who is the director. The director has several equivalent proper noun labels: GOD, universal mind, Nature, Mother Earth,etc.
Let's see how GOD expresses himself.
GOD = G + O + D = Gravity constant + Orbitals and circles + Decision Directions
Expressions of GOD agents:
Waiting for GODOT ...the 1990/1991 play in the sands of ku.WAIT /Iraq ......with U.S.ARMY actors in the Uncle SAM (Samuel Beckett) THEATER of WAR on the geography surface of Earth.
Kuwait - Persian Gulf War
Kuwait - - - - Persian Gulf War
Ku..wait ..waiting for Godot
Waiting for Godot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
arrival (array interface between vector algebra and valence electrons of existence)
someone--> some one = SUM ONE probability theory for the ODD ONE at Fermi.LAB and the chance of University of Wisconsin Chancellor JOHN Wiley to look at William Feller probability math books published by John Wiley & SONS.
WHERE is the symbolic son...we ask UW, Madison, JOHN WILEY and the two thousand professors at his disposal..
Kurt GODEL --> God elements of math and math logic
- Kurt Godel (1906 - 1978)
Above we see various HUMAN expressions and messengers of atomic and bio-chemistry thougths ....thought that uses the human vehicle to enhance and clarify ideas AND place the ideas in black ink symbols upon cellulose paper for distribution to other thinkers ..... to add to the idea OR to correct some errors, etc. It's Nature's intellectual process of original expression, enhancement with data examples, quality control of ideas and philosophy, and feedback control systems.
Thus we come to C.P.SNOW and year 1959.
Modern theory ....... waiting for confirmation by British universities in year 2012 ...
that C.P.SNOW was composed of DNA and that DNA has social science thoughts and opinions.
DNA structure
......start with a diagram of the whole structure, and then take it apart to see how it all fits together. The diagram shows a tiny bit of a DNA double helix.
The theory is that Nature.....thru the Darwinian selection process ..selected C.P.SNOW to work on a social chemistry problem and explain it.
Scientist C.P.SNOW and his background in chemistry and physics ....enabled him to communicate important ideas within the context of Nature's sytems.
C. P. Snow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Two Cultures is the title of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2]
Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society"
was split into the titular two cultures —
namely the sciences and the humanities
590 × 354 - in DNA, the nitrogenous bases are matched together and held by weak hydrogen
The talk was delivered 7
The talk was delivered 7
The talk was delivered 7
May 1959 in the Senate House, Cambridge, and subsequently published as The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution.
Nitrogen - Physics Van - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nitrogenous bases contain the nitrogen atom.
The nitrogen atom of the periodic atomic table scheduled the lecture.
The nitrogen atom with the cooperation of the DNA within the humanoid carriers ...... together (nitrogen and DNA) selected the 7th day as the day for message optimization to the SRP agents in the audience.
The Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) RNA Links Conformational ...
— and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.
Nucleic acid double helix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DNA - The Double Helix
D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Lawrence | |
![]() | |
Born | David Herbert Lawrence (1885-09-11)11 September 1885 Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England |
Died | 2 March 1930(1930-03-02) (aged 44) Vence, France |
Occupation | Novelist |
David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct.
Lawrence's opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life
D. H. Lawrence
Double Helix social law policy trials by arrogant life forms
A heavily censored abridgement of Lady Chatterley's Lover was published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf in 1928. This edition was posthumously re-issued in paperback in America both by Signet Books and by Penguin Books in 1946[citation needed]. When the full unexpurgated edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover was published by Penguin Books in Britain in 1960, the trial of Penguin under the Obscene Publications Act of 1959 became a major public event and a test of the new obscenity law. The 1959 act (introduced by Roy Jenkins) had made it possible for publishers to escape conviction if they could show that a work was of literary merit.
D. H. Lawrence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
D. H. Law --> Double Helix life forms banned by the United States government .......citizen air heads and university clown groups rule intellectual policy decisions about what exists and what does not exist. » Publishing Pioneer Barney Rosset Dies At 89
Book Censorship -
Book ...............hip ..leg...ankles ...nylon stockings ....leg legislative thoughts
U.S. Constitution ...
U.S. Con ....
US Legal System -
US Leg... System for the bedroom housing industry
300 × 300 - Double Helix
Below, the copper wire computer network ...parallel TRAP
Cell Phones - Get Phones From Under $1 with Plan.
Molecular Cell Biology - NCBI Bookshelf
Excerpt. Modern biology is rooted in an understanding of the molecules within cells and of the interactions between cells that allow construction of multicellular ...
Thus we see a complex social situation comprised of many pieces, many concepts, and many levels of thought and expression ......some direct signals and some indirect signals.
For example, when the Carl Jung biochemistry collective LEVEL of thought (conscious thoughts to DNA molecules at the moelcular level but unconscious thoughts from the mind/ forehead POINT of VIEW....the mind we use for daily activities, school, work, chemistry LAB, etc.
Thus we see bio-communication systems.
An internal molecular level trying to establish a communications LINK to the higher bio-computer brain / awareness level that has access to symbols, equations, flowcharts,etc.
Then we have the higher level bio-computer INTERFACE with the external world of books, chemistry LAB beakers and bunsen burners, etc. .
Don't get confused, hight-level does not mean smarter or more intellegient.
Instead ...using computer prgarmming language terms..... higher level langauges like COBOL are easier to work with than the lower level machine languages like : Basic Assembler Language.
However, to appreciate computer science languages .....a course in assembler and writing some simple programs in assembler an experience one will never, ever forget.
The Two Cultures
The Two Cultures is the title of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities —
Thus we see the TRUTH of the C.P.SNOW ....Doublex-Helix TWO Culture lecture
on science and humanities.
a) Watson and Crick were allowed to publish their version of DH Law
b) D.H Lawrence was NOT allowed by governments ot reveal the secrets of DNA social science and DNA humanities
In year 2012, Cavendish Labs and others continue to paint incorrect portarits of they have no repsect for the C.P.SNOW message.
Thus the SCIENCE WARS at universities with student casualties various shootings and the
incomplete explanations given ...omitting minor details such as:
1) the magnetic field WAR casualties,
2) gravity field wars
3) televsion electromagnetic optical ATTACKS upon the viewers eye/opticla nerve processor
4) symbolic wars in books and advertising using various words and proper nouns .
It is puzzle...that needs to be understood AND then modified replace the problems with more acceptable solutions..